TTC Ov Kits, Period, Clomid, IUI,
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LIF Infant
Member since 6/06 124 total posts
TTC Ov Kits, Period, Clomid, IUI,
If your reguler with your periods and say a 30 day cycle, on day 12 start with the Ov kits, If you buy a ov kit and your not reguler it will be able to give you an idea when to start doing the kit.
When you start the kit, is when you start to have sex, that is five days leading up to a positive Ov kit that is when you are fertile. The most fertile is the day you get the positive on the kit and the day after. You will also see stretchy possible.
When taking clomid to get pregnant, you can regulize your period, which helps you ovulate, and gives you a good chance of concieving, If you go further then clomid, you would do all this plus IUI. IUI is the day after the positive Ov kit.
Posted 6/28/06 3:33 PM |
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