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LIF Infant

Member since 2/06 284 total posts
TTC Problems - Updated on bottom.
I hope no one minds me posting on this board. We have been TTC since June 2006 and have been charting since late July. My cycles range from 34-45 days with ovulation days from cd19-cd31. Even so, we have always BD on the fertile days and still no BPF. (To make matters worse I got a bad batch of pregnancy tests that gave me false positives 2 months in a row. ) Here is where I have a question. Every month I start spotting at 7 dpo. The spotting is pretty heavy, heavy enough that I have to wear a pantyliner or pad. It looks like little particles, like miniature brown blood clots. This lasts for about 7 days until AF shows up. Has anyone experienced this before? Could it be the reason our TTCing has not been successful? I have my yearly ob-gyn check-up in a few weeks, so I was wondering what I should expect her to do at this point. I am worried that she will tell me to wait a year since we are under 30, but I feel that there is definitely a problem here with this spotting. Thanks for your support.
Message edited 1/2/2007 8:33:15 PM.
Posted 12/22/06 11:56 AM |
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Member since 11/05 2688 total posts
Name: helen
Re: TTC Problems - TMI
Hi - I have no advice - is it possiblel you are having chemical pregnancies? the spotting could be implantation, the positives could have been real, but chemicals.
Its time to bring it up to your obgyn, but also if you chart, bring them with you so the dr can see the dates in relation to the O and spotting and the tests.
Is AF definitely showing up 14 days after O?
Posted 12/22/06 12:16 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3372 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: TTC Problems - TMI
How do you know the HPTs were bad? Could you be having very early miscarriages?
Hugs to you. I would write all of the patterns down and all of the information down and bring everything with you. Have your husband come with you if that will help you to speak to the doctor.
The spotting could be a number of things...does it happen every single month? What kind of Birth control were you on prior to June? What does your charting say? To have a range of cd19-dc30 for O is not normal I don't believe. I would think 2-3 days range, but that is a huge range. You can insist on blood work and some basic testing to start.
if you do not feel supported by the doctor find a new one. You know your body best.
Posted 12/22/06 12:19 PM |
Time for me to FLY!

Member since 5/05 13199 total posts
Name: Did I ever tell you that I hate people?
Re: TTC Problems - TMI
I used to get this as well
After I had an hsg, found out my tubes wetre blocked, ahd one removed, had the other cauterized...the spotting stopped
Not saying this is your case, but maybe you should ask your dr for an hsg to double check
Also, ask for a progesterone test
Posted 12/22/06 1:55 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: TTC Problems - TMI
You definitely need to speak to your Dr. It is not "normal" to have spotting 7 days before your period. That could be a progesterone deficiency. Also if your O day is varying by so many days and if I am reading correctly you have had a luteal phase of only 4 days some months? I would make an appt with your Dr and let him know about everything and take it from there.
Posted 12/22/06 2:14 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/06 284 total posts
Re: TTC Problems - TMI
Posted by Red
Hi - I have no advice - is it possiblel you are having chemical pregnancies? the spotting could be implantation, the positives could have been real, but chemicals.
Its time to bring it up to your obgyn, but also if you chart, bring them with you so the dr can see the dates in relation to the O and spotting and the tests.
Is AF definitely showing up 14 days after O?
I am sure that they weren't chemical pregnancies because this month there was a discrepency with my O date, and they day I tested and saw the 2 lines ended up being only 7 dpo. All other brands have been negative.
AF shows up 12-14 days after ovulation.
Posted 12/22/06 3:29 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/06 284 total posts
Re: TTC Problems - TMI
Posted by michele31
How do you know the HPTs were bad? Could you be having very early miscarriages?
Hugs to you. I would write all of the patterns down and all of the information down and bring everything with you. Have your husband come with you if that will help you to speak to the doctor.
The spotting could be a number of things...does it happen every single month? What kind of Birth control were you on prior to June? What does your charting say? To have a range of cd19-dc30 for O is not normal I don't believe. I would think 2-3 days range, but that is a huge range. You can insist on blood work and some basic testing to start.
if you do not feel supported by the doctor find a new one. You know your body best.
The spotting happened every cycle so far. I was on BCP prior to June- Ortho tri cyclen. My charts show a clear thermal shift every month. I read Taking Charge of Your Fertility and I am confident that I am ovulating, but it seems like I have the "delayed" ovulation some months, like my body is gearing up for ovulation but it just doesn't happen. On the months where I ovulate later I have fertile CM for over a week.
Posted 12/22/06 3:35 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/06 284 total posts
Re: TTC Problems - TMI
Posted by LisaW
I used to get this as well
After I had an hsg, found out my tubes wetre blocked, ahd one removed, had the other cauterized...the spotting stopped
Not saying this is your case, but maybe you should ask your dr for an hsg to double check
Also, ask for a progesterone test
Thanks for the information. I am afraid my dr. will say it is too soon for these tests. I will bring it up to her at my appt.
Posted 12/22/06 3:36 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/06 284 total posts
Re: TTC Problems - TMI
Posted by melijane
You definitely need to speak to your Dr. It is not "normal" to have spotting 7 days before your period. That could be a progesterone deficiency. Also if your O day is varying by so many days and if I am reading correctly you have had a luteal phase of only 4 days some months? I would make an appt with your Dr and let him know about everything and take it from there.
No, my luteal phase is always 12-14 days. I think my shortest cycle had ovulation on cd19 and was 31 days long. I know the spotting isn't normal from the research I did online. I was hoping it was my body adjusting from coming off the pill, but it is not getting any better. It happens every cycle on exactly 7 dpo.
Posted 12/22/06 3:39 PM |
Best Friends

Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: TTC Problems - TMI
Posted by melijane
You definitely need to speak to your Dr. It is not "normal" to have spotting 7 days before your period. That could be a progesterone deficiency.
I would speak to your MD. I have this problem also, I have for years, even before DS. When I was TTC with him I had this problem, tubes were clear and my progesterone was and has always been fine. I did get PG the first time despite this problem.
Now I am still struggling, we are thinking that this time the spotting *may* be due to low estrogen levels. I need to have an endometrial biopsy to investigate further.
My point is it could be normal. I had this problem years ago and was able to conceive spontaneously and carry to term.
Posted 12/22/06 4:24 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/06 284 total posts
Re: TTC Problems - TMI
I wanted to give a quick update. I saw my dr. and she is not concerned with the spotting and said that some people just spot. However, she is sending me for cd3 and cd21 (which will be later than cd21 for me, 7 dpo) bloodwork to start with and we will go from there. I mentioned HSG but she wants to get the results from the bloodwork first before we take any other steps. Thanks for your advice girls! I will update again when I get my results.
Posted 1/2/07 8:32 PM |
Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06 11613 total posts
Name: L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)
Re: TTC Problems - Updated on bottom.
Just wanted to send you
Posted 1/3/07 7:46 AM |