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UGH...potty training/day care question

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Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


UGH...potty training/day care question

This isn't even really a potty TRAINING question as it is what to expect from daycare in regards to a 4 year old.

Bella has come home 5-6 times in the past two weeks with an irritated butt. She will cry and ask for medicine (Aquaphor) Nothing too crazy, but it is irritated. She also has come home with "tracks" in her undies, like she had wet gas or something.

On Friday we ask her "Who helps you wipe when you do poopy"

"No one" she replies.

I am mad. Do I have a right to be ticked? We have been teaching and I know her daycare/school has been teaching her how to wipe herself. BUT, I just don't feel like a 4 year old can really properly and hygienically wipe themselves.

I asked her teacher today in a low voice when I dropped Bella off (because Bella gets upset) and she was like
"We don't do that, BUT we do GUIDE them"


I reiterated that Bella wasn't ready to do that and she said that they would pay more attention to GUIDING her and can I bring in, yeah...I would have been bringing them all along if I knew.

What do you think? Should a four year old know how to 100% properly wipe a bowel movement?
I know this is gross, but hey, I think TMI went away when we gave birth right?

Posted 10/19/09 11:24 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: UGH...potty training/day care question

I am in NJ and ds goes to nursey school but the teachers are not aloud to assist the kids. If a student needs help the teach or aide has to bring the child to the director so their is more than one adult in the room with the child. It is assure the safety of the child and to cover any allegations if god forbid something were to happen if someone was helping a child.

Posted 10/19/09 11:30 AM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

3395 total posts


Re: UGH...potty training/day care question

Good question, I don't remember what daycare did with Ava.

Send her with those special toilet wipes. We use "Higgies Clean Team". Maybe you can help learn how to use them at night and on weekends.

I would ask the director. Just not in front of DD. I know that even at 3, Ava was embarressed.

Posted 10/19/09 11:32 AM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: UGH...potty training/day care question

I'm pretty sure they aren't allowed to.....

Posted 10/19/09 11:32 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06

535 total posts


Re: UGH...potty training/day care question

Most daycares are not allowed to "wipe" or touch the children, especially in the bathroom.. Speak to the director, but it sounds like wipes might be the way to go. My son is just starting to go on the potty at school, so I'm sure this will be an issue for me too, soon. Good luck.

Posted 10/19/09 11:48 AM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: UGH...potty training/day care question

Someone else recently had the same question and I think the general consensus was that daycares can not help them in the bathroom (for a variety of reasons).

I have to see if I can find the thread because it was very interesting.

Posted 10/19/09 11:56 AM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: UGH...potty training/day care question

This was the thread:

Potty and Daycare

Message edited 10/19/2009 11:59:55 AM.

Posted 10/19/09 11:59 AM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: UGH...potty training/day care question

Posted by Karen

This was the thread:

Potty and Daycare

Thanks for this...I missed the post. Bella goes to daycare. Granted, they run it like a school and this year, they have a specific curriculum. HOWEVER, she has been on the "school" side for over a year and this was never an issue. I mean, she wasn't even fully potty-trained at 3 years old.

I pay close to 1K per month. I get that they want to fashion themselves as a school and all that, BUT I don't have her in a state run preschool. What is so different about wiping the 4 year old azz compared to her 3 year old azz???

Posted 10/19/09 12:33 PM

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