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Uh I am so mad at the dog

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Member since 5/05

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Uh I am so mad at the dog

We got him a 30 foot leash for him to play in the yard. He loves to be outside. We have had him out on it quite a few times and never any problems. He goes outside with his toys and water and he is a content puppy.

Well today I could scream. He discovered digging. And when I tried to discipline him he growled at me and then continued to dig. I pulled him by his collar to get away from the dirt and he ran away and back to the hole. I grabbed him and told him inside. Then he runs to the formal living room and peed (I called my hubby and told me he probably did this out of spite).

I grabbed him and put him in the bathroom while I cleaned up. I told the puppy do not be nice to me I am mad at you. So he's just been laying by my feet with these huge sad puppy eyes and I am trying so hard to not cave in.

I actually have to go to the store soon and hopefully that will relax me. Simba is never bad and today when I am off and hubby is working he decides to have a bad hair day Chat Icon

Posted 12/24/05 12:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Uh I am so mad at the dog

is your normal routine off because of holidays? Animals often do not like change and will misbehave because of it.

My dogs have days where they are angels, and other days where they are SO in my face I can't take it.

Boomer is also a digger if he is not watched. (Any animal on a lead should not be left unssupervised for chance of choking themselves)

Try some pennies in a coffee can and when you catch him digging, shake it to scare him.

He might be trying to bury/unbury a toy....Boomer does this also, we do not allow him to take his rawhide bones outside because of it, so instead he buries them in the couch cushions!

Posted 12/24/05 3:37 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: Uh I am so mad at the dog

Thanks Shana. I think you may be right his normal routine is way off. I worked yesterday 9 - 3 and was home by 3:30 which shook him up because I dont get home till 8. I had put him outside yesterday afternoon so I could clean. He was great. As long as he could see me and knew I could see him he was wonderful. Today I am home when I normally work so having me home is not in the norm on a Saturday.

I heard about doing the coffee can thing with the pennies also if you dont want them to jump on the furniture.

He definatly was not looking to bury a bone. He was digging a path to China Chat Icon


Posted 12/24/05 4:07 PM

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