So there have been some changes in my dept and I have been facing some undo stress the last few days. I know it's not healthy for me or my baby.

Any idea on how to avoid this stress??

Our dept gets reprimanded for the smallest things, and we're "punished" as a group for individual's wrong doings. As a result we get "in trouble" if we're away from our desks for an extended period of time (except for lunch) and if we're "caught" talking/congregating.

Thanks!! I would appreciate any advice.

Also, one of the biggest changes was we moved form 1 building to another, therefore all our desks were moved around. I am now right across from my boss who is constantly handing me more work to do. I am not necessaruly overwhelmed, but we have certain call quotas to meet and I cannot meet them as a reult of this added work. I am emailing my boss an her supervisor today about the added and not making the call quota. But am not adjusted to using my pregnancy as an excuse.

DH suggests I ask to have my desk moved, but I don't want to "give in"
