So tomorrow's the big day. DH has his SA first thing in the morning (if it actually gets done- I'm crossing my fingers). Then I have to go and get a sono at my drs after Dhs appt and bloodwork at the hospital when we drop off DHs SA. They want to make sure that my body isn't producing antibodies to kill his sperm (I think that's what they said). Then I'm supposed to get my prescription for my injectables. I'm so nervous!!! This is our last attempt for this year. Who knows what the new year will bring insurance wise I hate feeling like this--- I hate these 'last chance' feelings. Wish us luck please and say a prayer for us!!!
Best of luck to both of you. I know what you mean about the insurance thing--I just found out my insurance doesn't cover IF treatments. Wishing you lots of !!
JUST GOT HOME!!! What a morning! I have literally just collapsed on my bed with one of the worst headaches that I've ever had- and I have another appointment in 30 mins so I have to leave in about 20 but wanted to post on here first. Thanks for all of your replies to my post. I truly don't know how I'd get thru all of this w/o you guys!!! Our morning started w/ (ahem getting DHs sample) NOT AN EASY TASK AT ALL!!!! I basically got told, ok- you're going to do this b/c it's against my beliefs. Well it took a little longer than I had hoped for but it got done. Then I drove to Stony Brook alone and on the way hit traffic and got there about 15 mins late. They didn't say anything so I'm hoping it's ok even though they said to get it there w/in an hour. Then down to central registration- then down to the lab for my bloodwork to make sure I'm not making antibodies to kill his sperm- then back up to the andrology lab w/ my blood tube in hand to drop off to her. All very exhausting I might add. Oh also I had my own drs appointment which I was 10 mins late for but got there- got a baseline sonogram and my prescription for my injectables. From there to Stony Brook pharmacy (which even though empire said it wasn't a participating pharmacy it ended up being) and got my gonal f pen and my ovridel. I start tomorrow night w/ 75 for 2 days then on the 3rd day I go for bloodwork and we take it from there!!! I'm so exhausted and nervous and yet starting to get excited finally!!! Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts/prayers. to us all!!! Also, thanks to those of you that sent me FMs I will respond but have to run to my other appointment soon and am going to close my eyes for 10 mins to try to get ths headache to go away.