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Update on Emmie -- she had some training

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Update on Emmie -- she had some training

Some of you may remember that in the beginning of the month, Emmie bit me and DH and I decided that she needed to go to training.

Thanks to everyone who suggested places! We decided that Bark Busters was the best for us since they had the lifetime program and also becuase the guy for my area seemed like the best choice after I spoke to him.

Well, last Friday, he came to the house and was here for about 3 hours. We went over a bunch of things and taught us how to read Emmie's body language and also how to be firm with her and show her that DH and I are the bosses.

One week later and Emmie is like a whole new dog. She is so much more lovable and fun to be around than she already was. She LOVES her daily walks. We used to just let her out to go potty and come right back. Now, we do a 20 minute walk every night and she loves it so much. Also, she is much nicer to play with, she does not demand from us anymore and she actually listens all the time, not just when she feels like it.

I know she still has more work to do, but we are sooooo proud of her, and we can tell that she is proud of herself as well. she is happy when she hears that "good girl." Sometimes on her walk, DH and I can swear that she is showing off what a good girl she can be!

Thank you Daniella for suggesting Bark Busters. Also, thank you everyone else who showed their concern and offered suggestions.

If anyone has a dog who is basically good, but my have some dominance issues, like Emmie did, I highly suggest the training.

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Posted 8/26/06 1:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Gerty ®

Re: Update on Emmie -- she had some training

So nice to hear a positive response on here!!! Glad to hear Bark Busters worked, I had heard good things about them.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/26/06 1:40 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: Update on Emmie -- she had some training

I am so glad to hear that you had the same experience with Bark Busters that we hadChat Icon Make sure you keep on up the training (we slipped up in leash walking and to this day, that is the only behavioral complaint I have about Denver) but I am sooooo glad for youChat Icon

Posted 8/27/06 10:51 AM

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