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Update on my BIG baby!

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Update on my BIG baby!

I went into the doc's office again tonight for a round of NST/BPP/Internal. I am at 36 weeks 5 days. My NST was fine, and the baby scored well on the BPP, and the internal was the same, not dialated at all, but I'm really starting to freak out because the baby is weighing in at 8 lbs 8 oz. Last week it was 7-9, the week before 6-11, and now 8-8 ... basically the baby is gaining a pound a week! I know they could be off but the woman re-did all the measurements a TON of times, like 5-6 times each just to be sure, and it still kept coming up with the 8-8 measurement.

I was telling the doctor how concerned I am, and he said they still wouldn't induce me due to size until 39 weeks anyway, because the baby might not be developed until then. I also asked him if we're talking about an 11 or 12 lb baby here, and he said most likely yes, it seems like it'll be that way. I asked if they'd even consider a vag. birth in that case and he said no, because even if the head goes through, the shoulders can get stuck and that's a difficult situation. So it looks as if I'm going to be looking forward to a cesarian. I really wanted to avoid a c-section. I am heavy and I know that increases your risk of infection, plus the whole maternity leave situation at my job ***** and I basically have about 13 days that I can take off after the baby is born and still get paid, and I'd definately need more then that with a c-section, so I'm just really nervous and dreading it all now.

I know it's too early but I wish they could just induce me now. I guess it's just not an option.

Posted 9/15/05 9:53 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything

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Re: Update on my BIG baby!

Why won't they induce you when you are term at 37 weeks?
Having an 11-12 pound baby seems insane tome when they could induce you sooner.
Is there a way to get a second opinion?

Posted 9/15/05 9:59 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

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Re: Update on my BIG baby!

Posted by monkeybride

Why won't they induce you when you are term at 37 weeks?
Having an 11-12 pound baby seems insane tome when they could induce you sooner.
Is there a way to get a second opinion?

I agree. I would push your MD more. They induce women all the time at 37 weeks.

Posted 9/15/05 10:16 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Update on my BIG baby!

I just wanted to add that you should be able to get short term disability which lasts longer for a c-section. That should help with finances.

Posted 9/16/05 8:00 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Update on my BIG baby!

Most OB's won't do an induction at 37 weeks unless there's a health risk to mom or baby, most insurance companies don't feel a big baby is enough a reason to induce early.

You still have plenty of time to go in to labor yourself. I'm quite surprised that your OB isn't supportive of at least laboring through your first, if indeed you really don't want a c-section.

Posted 9/16/05 8:07 AM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Update on my BIG baby!

She aldo has gestational diabetes, like me, and Drs say that the baby's lungs develop slower when a mom has GD.

My baby is also gaining about a pound a week. I go for my BPP & NST on Tuesdays so this week she was 6lb 10oz, last week she was 5lg 14oz...I can assume she will probably measure around 7lb 10oz this coming tuesday. I am also worried about delivery. I know people say that sonograms are not too accurate but they take the baby's measurements and compare it to a chart and that is how they come up with the weight. The sono tech told me it could be off by maybe 5 ounces but that's about it.

Posted 9/16/05 8:22 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Update on my BIG baby!

Yep, a the doctors said that when you have GD the baby's lungs are often not developed until the 39th week. So they wouldn't induce me at 37 beacuse they want to make sure that the baby can breath when it is out.

It is disappointing that I probably won't be able to go through regular delivery. I took lamaze and read all up on it with the hopes that I could do it, and now it seems like all of that was a waste. But I do understand that the doctors have to do what is best for my baby and also my health, and I don't want to take any risks having the baby get stuck in the birth canal, which the doctor said is the biggest risk in delivering an 11 or 12 lb baby.

Of course there are risks with a cesarian. But as much as I'd like to, I think I need to trust my doctor on this one. He said one promising thing is that sometimes the babys slow down growth at 38 weeks so maybe I only have one more week of this insane 1lb-week growing.

*crosses her fingers*


Posted 9/16/05 3:17 PM

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