I just heard from my MIL. My FIL went and had his 2nd artery worked on today as planned and they put in stents. While they were working on him his artery collapsed. His heart stopped pumping and they had to insert a balloon to pump his heart for him. He's now in ICU and not conscious. My MIL said she went to see him and he's strapped to the bed with a machine breathing for him and one pumping his heart. They don't want to allow him to become conscious until the morning, but she can't remember why. DH is still in Vegas for work and I'm so upset right now. My MIL wanted to call him so I'm waiting for him to call me after she gets off the phone with him. I feel like he needs prayers more today than he did the other day. Please keep him and our family in your thoughts and prayers tonight. I'm going up to see him tomorrow morning. TIA.
I just heard from my MIL. My FIL went and had his 2nd artery worked on today as planned and they put in stents. While they were working on him his artery collapsed. His heart stopped pumping and they had to insert a balloon to pump his heart for him. He's now in ICU and not conscious. My MIL said she went to see him and he's strapped to the bed with a machine breathing for him and one pumping his heart. They don't want to allow him to become conscious until the morning, but she can't remember why.
Sorry your family is going through this.
I am not a doctor but have heart disease and I might be able to shed some light on this for you. They probably do not want his heart to work hard or at all to avoid cardiac myopathy (congestive heart failure). Usually, after a procedure or surgery the heart muscle function decreases somewhat so they may want to see if they can take him off the machine tomorrow and his heart may work on its own. Hang in there. TONS of for your family.
OMG just read this, I had no idea. My dad had a heart attack 2 years ago and made a full recovery...hoping for the same result for your FIL. When does your DH get back? I'm so sorry this happened with everything else going on...