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UPDATED AGAIN! my parents new puppy needs surgery!

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


UPDATED AGAIN! my parents new puppy needs surgery!

FINAL UPDATE: Well... we gave him to my mom last night! he was at my sisters new town house that my parents haven't seen yet, so we went there under the idea of just showing them the townhouse. mom walked in, my sister came down the stairs with the puppy, and my mom was THRILLED!!! she almost started crying! LOL i think she scared him a little bit when she screamed and laughed Chat Icon i think shes happy with her christmas present this year Chat Icon

Chat Icon poor jack!
my parents have been on vacation since september, and every time they've called, my mom has been talking about how much she missed my sisters little yorkie and how when she gets home, she wants one for herself. SOO, after oking it with my dad, my sister and i bought one for them as a christmas present, and are gonna give it to them when they get home next weekend...
so,we went to a pretty reputable breeder in PA. shes state certified/licensed, doesn't breed " teacups" becasue of health problems, etc. and as part of the health guarantee, we had to take the dog to the vet within 10 days. my sister took him today, and it turns out he has some sort of joint problem Chat Icon his joints are growing the wrong way or something. the vet said its not a problem now but will be as he gets a little bigger. luckily, it can be fixed with surgery. but, the vet wants us to take him to a joint specialist vet to double check everything.
my sister called the breeder, and they will reimburse us for half the cost of the dog if he needs the surgery... so hopefully it won't be too much more $$ than that.
its just, now we're gonna give the dog to my parents and say " heres a dog for you! btw, he needs surgery". and its not like we can take him back or anything- we've had him a week, hes already bonding with the house and everything!
i'm jsut so upset! anybody been through a situation like this with their dog? what did you do? any advice?

so i talked to my sister last night. she made the appointment with the joint specialist for saturday morning- LUCKILY, thats before we were gonna give the puppy to my mom and dad, so at least we'll have more info to give them about everything... and then we'll let them make the decision on whether they want to get a different puppy or not... i feel SOO bad for my sister. shes been taking care of the puppy all week and when i suggested maybe we should take him back to the breeder and get a new puppy, she got so upset saying " you should see how happy he is here, though! hes running around all over the place playing..." so, we'll see what happens. but, at least we'll have more detailed info BEFORE we give him to my parents...

Message edited 11/22/2006 8:47:14 AM.

Posted 11/15/06 5:35 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: my parents new puppy needs surgery!

Honestly, unless you give him back for another pup, I don't see how you have any recourse. Perhaps the breeder will pay for the surgery?

Posted 11/15/06 6:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


Re: my parents new puppy needs surgery!

Posted by Porrruss

Honestly, unless you give him back for another pup, I don't see how you have any recourse. Perhaps the breeder will pay for the surgery?

yeah, i dno't think we have much recourse either- we signed a contract saying that the health guarantee was for half the purchase price of the puppy, so i'm pretty sure thats all we'll get.
and i'm not really looking to get recourse from the breeder. i dno't think its really anything they did- these things just happen... i'm just upset because we were so excited to give him as a gift to my parents and now we have to tell them right away that he needs surgery or that he has a problem...

Posted 11/15/06 7:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


Re: UPDATED! my parents new puppy needs surgery!


Posted 11/17/06 9:19 AM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

20046 total posts

Gerty ®

Re: UPDATED! my parents new puppy needs surgery!

I'm sorry you have to go through this. I understand about bonding, though. I am surprised the breeder, if they are truly responsible, isn't just picking up the cost for this.

Posted 11/17/06 9:27 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


Re: UPDATED! my parents new puppy needs surgery!

Posted by Gertyrae

I'm sorry you have to go through this. I understand about bonding, though. I am surprised the breeder, if they are truly responsible, isn't just picking up the cost for this.

well.. they might. my sister called them, and they said to let them know what the specialist says. we will at least get back half the cost of the dog to put towards the surgery, and who knows- they may even decide to cover the whole thing... its a small breeder, so we'll see...

Posted 11/17/06 9:55 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


Re: UPDATED AGAIN! my parents new puppy needs surgery!

OK... so, my sister took the puppy to the specialist today... the dr did not even have to do x rays... she moved the dogs legs all around and looked and said he was fine.
so, now we can give him to my parents and everything will be ok Chat Icon no surgery needed Chat Icon

Posted 11/18/06 5:18 PM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

20046 total posts

Gerty ®

Re: UPDATED! my parents new puppy needs surgery!

That is such wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/18/06 7:57 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: UPDATED! my parents new puppy needs surgery!

Posted by ml110

OK... so, my sister took the puppy to the specialist today... the dr did not even have to do x rays... she moved the dogs legs all around and looked and said he was fine.
so, now we can give him to my parents and everything will be ok Chat Icon no surgery needed Chat Icon

So glad to hear it and so sorry about all of thisChat Icon

Posted 11/19/06 3:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


Re: UPDATED AGAIN! my parents new puppy needs surgery!

bump for update at top Chat Icon

Posted 11/22/06 8:47 AM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: UPDATED AGAIN! my parents new puppy needs surgery!

Awww, what a wonderful update! I hope your parents love every second with their new furbabyChat Icon

Posted 11/22/06 9:05 AM

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