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Baby Girl on the way!

Member since 1/08 2186 total posts
Name: Jackie
update.....dont know how to deal
well i should be 9mts pg from my last pg that ended in m/c and now i am 7w pg and going threw another m/c (will be confirmed by the doc tomorrow) and today my sil is being induced.. i am soo happy to be an aunt and i cant wait to meet my niece but i really dont know how i am going to get threw this day with the pain i have in my heart from this second m/c i feel like im defective and cant remain pg
my beautiful niece has arrived.. we were there when she was born and got to go back in the room about 20 min after she delived.. she is gorgeous and i am soo happy to be an aunt!!! i was really good at the hosptial and so happy but i could see the pain in DH's face when we got home i just fell apart and cried my eyes out till i fell asleep.. tonight is my docs appt and i will see what my next step will be.. i just pray i m/c on my own and I dont need a d&c again
Message edited 12/2/2008 9:57:51 AM.
Posted 12/1/08 9:32 AM |
Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07 7254 total posts
Re: dont know how to deal
You'll get thru this. If they know you've gone thru all that you have I'm sure they're feeling worrisome as well, for you. I cried when my niece came into the world,and both of my nephews. For both nephews I didn't have a m/c under my belt at that point, but we were trying for what felt like ever and I had been told by certain dr's that we'd never have kids--- so I had that in the back of my head, and it was hard. I cried all 3 times I met my new relatives. You can either break down in front of them, or meet your new relative and then head to the bathroom or say you'll let them have some alone time and head home, and break down there. My niece and nephews are such blessings in my life... I thank God for them every day. They make me continue to want to try when I have my days where I can't go on........ I am determined to give them cousins and continue the world so to speak. I'm here if you want to talk.
Posted 12/1/08 9:47 AM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: dont know how to deal
i am so sorry Jackie you are going through this
you are a strong girl and i know you will get through this.. with the arrival of your neice it will be hard, and i know you will have emotions flying everywhere, but in time you will heal..
if you need anything at all, please fm me
Posted 12/1/08 10:46 AM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: dont know how to deal
I'm sorry
Posted 12/1/08 1:52 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/08 660 total posts
Re: dont know how to deal
i'm sorry that you have to deal with all this...yes you're happy but at the same time, its sad....
Posted 12/1/08 1:57 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06 677 total posts
Re: dont know how to deal
I'm so sorry you have to deal with this, I know how hard it is. But you will get througth it and happier times will come.
Posted 12/1/08 2:13 PM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: dont know how to deal
I am so sorry you are going through this. I don't know how you get through 1 miscarriage, let alone another
Posted 12/1/08 2:25 PM |
I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08 6549 total posts
Name: Patty
Re: dont know how to deal
It seems like such a huge mountain to walk over, but you will do it. I know you are a strong person b/c you had the courage to continue TTC after a m/c, and it takes faith and strength. It will not be easy, I have cried when 2 of my friends had their babies when I was pregnant both times with them and then lost both. I cried alone, had some difficult moments, but toughed it out.
You will be ok and we are here for you.
Posted 12/1/08 2:55 PM |
Baby Girl on the way!

Member since 1/08 2186 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: dont know how to deal
thank you all for your kind words i feel alittle better now because i am at work with people but when i am alone i am a disaster i cant stop myself from crying but since only a few people know whats going on i have to put on a happy face
Posted 12/1/08 3:01 PM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: dont know how to deal
Posted by IrishLass
It seems like such a huge mountain to walk over, but you will do it. I know you are a strong person b/c you had the courage to continue TTC after a m/c, and it takes faith and strength. It will not be easy, I cried alone, had some difficult moments, but toughed it out.
You will be ok and we are here for you.
I agree
Posted 12/1/08 6:25 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/07 1694 total posts
Re: dont know how to deal
I am so sorry.
Posted 12/1/08 7:31 PM |
So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06 11197 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: dont know how to deal
Oh sweetie i am so sorry! This must be very hard. I wish i had words to help you!!! Please come on here ANY time you need to talk, cry, vent. We are all here for you.
Please know how very very sorry i am for your loss
Posted 12/1/08 7:52 PM |
Baby Girl on the way!

Member since 1/08 2186 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: update.....dont know how to deal
bump for update
Posted 12/2/08 9:58 AM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: update.....dont know how to deal
oh Jackie.. i am so sorry again.. it was so brave of you to see your niece..just show's you how strong you are.. you will get through this!
Posted 12/2/08 10:21 AM |
Puppy Love

Member since 6/08 1627 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: update.....dont know how to deal
Im so sorry
Posted 12/2/08 11:02 AM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: update.....dont know how to deal
I've been where you are. I had a chemical pregnancy last summer 4 days before my nephew was born. It was very bittersweet for me, and I cried alot for many reasons.
You will get through this!
Posted 12/2/08 11:06 AM |
my 2 boys
Member since 10/08 4240 total posts
Re: update.....dont know how to deal
I feel like ur writing about me! i wouldve had my baby now this first week of december. i got preg again and mc again last week at 7 1/2 weeks... I told dh i HATE december (even though todays our wedding anniversary..) I am sorry for ur losses and pray u get thru this very difficult time
Posted 12/2/08 12:49 PM |
Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06 7390 total posts
Re: update.....dont know how to deal
after my second mc last year(3 months apart) it was very difficult to see my niece and nephew-
its frustrating, i cried alot too, but it eventually gets better- and there is a plan for you to- you'll appreciate your baby even more when you are blessed with it.
Posted 12/2/08 11:45 PM |