Update...Light Bleeding/Spotting ?
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LIF Infant
Member since 10/11 135 total posts
Update...Light Bleeding/Spotting ?
I am 7 weeks pregnant and I had a big scare last Wed. morning...woke up at 1:00 am to use the bathroom and was bleeding bright red blood like a light period. It lasted a couple of hours and was only pink spotting by morning. Dr. Braverman called me as soon as he got my email and said not to worry, that it can be pretty common in early pregnancy...could be caused by a subchorionic hematoma, but he did not see one on Monday's ultrasound. Could also just be irritation to the cervix. He didn't think that it was necessary to get an ultrasound, so I didn't. My next ultrasound is scheduled for tomorrow (Mon). I haven't had anymore bleeding, but I have been still having bright to dark red spotting off and on. I am staying on partial bed rest until my ultrasound on Monday. Even though Dr. Braverman says to take a deep breath and not worry, it is so very hard! Has this happened to anyone else and if so did they put you on bed rest or anything...what was your outcome? I guess that it is concerning me that it seems to go away and then when I awake in the morning there it is again and then sometimes throughout the day. I am so worried about the baby and tomorrow can't come soon enough...trying to stay calm!!! ------------------------------ Update...Wed 10/24...Baby looked fine on ultrasound this past Monday. The doctor did see a Subchorionic Hematoma so that is where the bleeding/spotting is coming from. The good news is that it isn't near the baby and they are hoping that it will resolve quickly. I am on rest for now and go back next Monday to get it rechecked. Thanks for everyone's responses and for helping to ease my mind.
Message edited 10/24/2012 7:34:55 PM.
Posted 10/21/12 8:54 AM |
Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08 8423 total posts
Light Bleeding/Spotting ?
no experience with SCHs or bright red bleeding but i had spotting from weeks 7-9 and i have a 17m old daughter now. unfortunately theres no way to know if its an issue or not until you get a sono. if you are not experiencing cramping and clotting that's a good sign. good luck!
Posted 10/21/12 10:25 AM |
Stop, Think & Breathe...

Member since 8/11 3550 total posts
Name: Cindy
Light Bleeding/Spotting ?
I had a SCH around 7 weeks as well...I was bleeding bright red and I had one large clot but no cramping at all...I went in the very next day to see what was going on and make sure the baby was ok...they did find an area where they think the bleed was from...I have not had any bleeding since that night but I have had dark brown spotting since then which is old blood...I was told to take it easy and no heavy lifting or sex for 2 weeks...I have had 2 ultrasounds since then and the baby is doing well and they cannot find the SCH so it may have resolved...def take it easy and drink fluids...I am now 8 weeks 4 days..good luck tomorrow!!!
Posted 10/21/12 12:12 PM |
Re: Light Bleeding/Spotting ?
I also went through this at 8 weeks...I got out of my car and blood gushed out all over my pants. My DH took me the ER and thank God after doing a sono they said I had / have an SCH and we could still see and hear the heartbeats. At my follow up appts. at the RE and then the OB they said they could still see a little blood in the uterus and I have been spotting on and off. It is really scary because no one wants to see ANY blood during pregnancy but hang in there, I hope that is all that yours is.
Posted 10/23/12 10:21 AM |
My angel has a baby brother!

Member since 7/10 1050 total posts
Re: Update...Light Bleeding/Spotting ?
Great news!
Posted 10/26/12 3:18 PM |
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