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Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05

9612 total posts



I thought I'd start a multiple mom update thread.

I just got back from the dr. so I'll start.

I'm 30 weeks 1 day today and had a sono. It was the first time everything wasnt really clear and I didnt come home w/ any pics. But the good news is they are 3lbs 8oz and 3lbs 7oz and they are in position (both heads down). Cervix is still completely shut.
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Posted 7/21/06 2:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Updates

That stinks about the pictures but it's excellent news about their positions, weight and your cervix being closed!!!!! Chat Icon

We have our next sono on August 3rd to make sure the cysts disappeared. We start going to the OB again every 2 weeks now, and I guess that's about it. Hope everyone is feeling well! Chat Icon

Posted 7/21/06 2:40 PM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: Updates

I went for my 30 week today. I just got weighed and hear the heatbeats.

My sonogram last week showed them to both be in the head down position too and both are approx 3 pounds each.

I go back next Friday for a songoram and a consultation with a perintologist (since my twins are identical).

I am also up 32 pounds. Chat Icon

Other then back pain no really issues to complain about.

Oh and my belly is measuring what a 35 week singleton belly would. Chat Icon

Posted 7/21/06 3:18 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Updates

I go to the dr. on Tuesday. Im 29 weeks,a nd they will do a sono and let me know how much they weighChat Icon

Posted 7/23/06 9:42 AM

So Big... So Fast!

Member since 5/05

2959 total posts


Re: Updates

Went for my 34 week check up on Thursday, and landed in the hospital.Chat Icon I gained 11 pounds in one week and my blood pressure was slightly elevated. All lab work came back within normal limits, but my doctor still thinks I'm headed for pre-eclampsia. She is trying to give the babies another week or two before she takes them. As of last Tuesday the were nboth close to 5 pounds. Luckily, she discharged me so I could attend my brother's wedding. Had to promise I would sit quietly and not overdo it. Now, I am on strict bedrest at home until I see her first thing Tuesday morning. she will do a BPP and NST then and re-evaluate our position. It is very scary to think that I may be a mommy before the end of the week!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/23/06 8:51 PM

Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05

9612 total posts


Re: Updates

Sharon - so sorry you are going through this! But very exciting that they will be here VERY soon!!!

Feel better and keep us posted!

Posted 7/24/06 7:11 AM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: Updates

Posted by Sharon

Went for my 34 week check up on Thursday, and landed in the hospital.Chat Icon I gained 11 pounds in one week and my blood pressure was slightly elevated. All lab work came back within normal limits, but my doctor still thinks I'm headed for pre-eclampsia. She is trying to give the babies another week or two before she takes them. As of last Tuesday the were nboth close to 5 pounds. Luckily, she discharged me so I could attend my brother's wedding. Had to promise I would sit quietly and not overdo it. Now, I am on strict bedrest at home until I see her first thing Tuesday morning. she will do a BPP and NST then and re-evaluate our position. It is very scary to think that I may be a mommy before the end of the week!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Sharon the same thing happened to me. The Sono Dr was dying to take them out but, since they were fine & I didn't have full blown pre-eclempsia my OB's let my girls stay until 38 weeks. Here's hoping that you feel better. Drink lots of fluids & REST!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/24/06 7:45 AM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: Updates

Sharon I hope you're feeling better!!! Chat Icon Please keep us updated!

Posted 7/24/06 8:06 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Updates

Sharon....praying for you...keep us updatedChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/24/06 10:21 AM

So Big... So Fast!

Member since 5/05

2959 total posts


Re: Updates

Thanks everyone. I am staying on strict bedrest, only up to the bathroom and to shower. I see my doctor tomorrow morning. I'll keep you updated! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/24/06 2:23 PM

Life is Good

Member since 6/06

2135 total posts


Re: Updates

I hope you feel better and glad to hear
you are taking it easy. Your babies will be hear

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Posted 7/24/06 9:04 PM

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