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Wanted to give you all
dm24angel Happiness
Member since 5/05
34581 total posts
some hugs! you are such strong women to deal with the loss of a mother and I have such respect for you all. My heart breaks for each of you and I hope together you are able to heal and help each other.
Cookiegobbler My little love bugs!!
Member since 9/05
5759 total posts
Re: Wanted to give you all
newhome LIF Infant
Member since 5/06
95 total posts
Me too. I am crying reading this board and some of the terribly sad stories. Infinite hugs and respect.
Shanti True love
Member since 6/05
12653 total posts
Lots of love to some very strong and very brave ladies
mommy2Alex 3 babies for me :)
6683 total posts
Ambersmom Straight up nasty
7740 total posts
This board is one of the sadest things I've ever read/seen. Hugs to you all
MommyofG just the girls
9461 total posts
Tumbalina Better than the news!
Member since 2/06
2840 total posts
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