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Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

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Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

I will preface this by saying my DD is only 3 but I always like to get a jump start on things!! Chat Icon

I LOOOOOOVE to cook/bake as does my DD already!! There are a bunch of recipes that my family has been making for generations at the holidays (Easter, Xmas, etc) and other non holiday recipes that have been passed down through the years from each generation. Over the years I've compiled my own recipe book filled with my favorite recipes and my family recipes and it's my "go to" cookbook for many of the things I make. Soooo...................................

I just bought my DD her first "Family Recipes" book . Over time I am going to hand write every family recipe for her and compile a special cookbook to give her WAAAAAY down the road when she goes out on her own into the world. Over the years I will also add to it any special recipes/meals that she LOVED as as child so she will have those too. I thought it would be cute to add little notes to the recipes that include things like where the recipe came from, when we make it, or why she loved it as a kid. I want to also add pics too of her cooking and baking with me to go along with some of the recipes. I think it will be such a special gift for her one day!!

I just wanted to share in case anyone else is interested. I always love anything that involves family tradition and personalized gifts and I figured this might be something other people would enjoy doing for their little girls (or boys!!) too!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 10/13/2011 9:55:51 AM.

Posted 10/13/11 9:55 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

Member since 10/06

5913 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

That's so cute! What a great idea. I take for granted that my mom just taught me to cook and not really use recipes but there are always some special meals that I'm asking her to write down for me. I'll give her a recipe card but that's too small to fit a good recipe with all of her special notes. What do you use as a book? I was thinking of starting a binder with page protectors. That way I can even add magazine recipes too.

Posted 10/13/11 10:03 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/11

3708 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

That's a great idea!

I wish my mom would have done that with us because I have to call her when I want to make one of her recipes. And one day when she is gone I am going to miss all those meals that she made!!!!!!!

Posted 10/13/11 10:06 AM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

4313 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

I love this idea and am going to steal it!Chat Icon I love to cook/bake too. DD has been in the kitchen with me since she was a baby. Now that she is 4 she asks me if she can make dinner. One night she made pizza pretty much on her own (with the exception of the oven) I think she would love something that she can use when she gets older that will also remind her of the time we spent together. My mom gave me a book of my grandma's recipes for my shower and it was the best gift I got.

Posted 10/13/11 10:17 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

Posted by BnBdreamin

That's so cute! What a great idea. I take for granted that my mom just taught me to cook and not really use recipes but there are always some special meals that I'm asking her to write down for me. I'll give her a recipe card but that's too small to fit a good recipe with all of her special notes. What do you use as a book? I was thinking of starting a binder with page protectors. That way I can even add magazine recipes too.

Lakeside Collection had a cute binder one that comes with all the recipe cards and page protectors. Williams Sonoma had a GREAT one, it's the one I use for me, but I can't find it anymore.

Posted 10/13/11 10:24 AM

that year flew!

Member since 11/09

3008 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

Posted by Hofstra26

I will preface this by saying my DD is only 3 but I always like to get a jump start on things!! Chat Icon

I LOOOOOOVE to cook/bake as does my DD already!! There are a bunch of recipes that my family has been making for generations at the holidays (Easter, Xmas, etc) and other non holiday recipes that have been passed down through the years from each generation. Over the years I've compiled my own recipe book filled with my favorite recipes and my family recipes and it's my "go to" cookbook for many of the things I make. Soooo...................................

I just bought my DD her first "Family Recipes" book . Over time I am going to hand write every family recipe for her and compile a special cookbook to give her WAAAAAY down the road when she goes out on her own into the world. Over the years I will also add to it any special recipes/meals that she LOVED as as child so she will have those too. I thought it would be cute to add little notes to the recipes that include things like where the recipe came from, when we make it, or why she loved it as a kid. I want to also add pics too of her cooking and baking with me to go along with some of the recipes. I think it will be such a special gift for her one day!!

I just wanted to share in case anyone else is interested. I always love anything that involves family tradition and personalized gifts and I figured this might be something other people would enjoy doing for their little girls (or boys!!) too!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/11 10:27 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

Bumpin' for the afternoon crew! Chat Icon

Posted 10/13/11 1:42 PM

Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05

7919 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

We are actually in the process of doing this too, but a little differently. I handwrite the recipes and then scan it. I also takepictures of the kids or me and DH as we do the different steps of each recipe. Over time, I hope to have enough to do a realy cool, step by step digital scrapbook/recipe book. I handwrite and scan to keep it looking like its a piece of paper with the recipe taped in.

Posted 10/13/11 1:50 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

Posted by Michelle1123

We are actually in the process of doing this too, but a little differently. I handwrite the recipes and then scan it. I also takepictures of the kids or me and DH as we do the different steps of each recipe. Over time, I hope to have enough to do a realy cool, step by step digital scrapbook/recipe book. I handwrite and scan to keep it looking like its a piece of paper with the recipe taped in.

LOVE that idea too!!!

Posted 10/13/11 1:54 PM

my cup runneth over

Member since 1/10

2949 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

Chat Icon This is such a great idea! Sounds like it would be the perfect bridal shower gift someday. wow i couldn't type that without getting teary lol.

Posted 10/13/11 1:55 PM


Member since 10/09

4594 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

Thanks for the idea, so fun.

I recently made my mom, my sister and I a recipe book. I used these notebinders and it is working out great! You can customize it as much as you want. I used page protectors and made sections with pictures for each divider/subject. It also folds like a notebook and you can wipe off anything that might get on it. For the cover insert I put a picture of my DS with a bubble saying ___'s recipe book. Every time someone sees it they love it.

Great idea! I think I will start one for DS now. Chat Icon

External Image

Message edited 10/13/2011 2:12:42 PM.

Posted 10/13/11 2:11 PM

Our family is complete :)

Member since 8/08

3934 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

I love this!! Thanks for sharing!!

Posted 10/13/11 2:15 PM

Love my baby girls

Member since 6/07

2281 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

What an AMAZING idea! Thanks for sharing.

Posted 10/14/11 8:56 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

You're welcome everyone! Chat Icon

Posted 10/14/11 9:42 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Wanted to share an idea with you ladies

Posted by MamaLeen

Thanks for the idea, so fun.

I recently made my mom, my sister and I a recipe book. I used these notebinders and it is working out great! You can customize it as much as you want. I used page protectors and made sections with pictures for each divider/subject. It also folds like a notebook and you can wipe off anything that might get on it. For the cover insert I put a picture of my DS with a bubble saying ___'s recipe book. Every time someone sees it they love it.

Great idea! I think I will start one for DS now. Chat Icon


I really like this idea too!!

Posted 10/14/11 9:42 AM

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