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Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

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Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

in the womb???

When I went to the DR on Tuesday she was examining me, and looked at me and said You know you have a really active baby (No...really?Chat Icon its not like I dont feel him all day and NIGHT long)

Anyways she then thought I would be bleeding because he was so active!!!!

Does this/was this going on during anyones else preg?

Posted 8/18/05 6:39 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

I was told I had a very active baby at both my sono's...and at those times I was hardly feeling him/her.

But now, in these past two weeks, all this baby does is jump around!!!

Posted 8/18/05 6:43 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

I feel like my baby NEVER stops!

My husband can have his arm on my belly while we're resting and the baby will literally send his arm flying in the air because it kicks so hard.

My SIL barely ever felt her baby. My brother never felt the baby move. And her baby is so mellow now, just perfectly happy to just sit there and hang out, watching everyone. So I feel like I'm gonna have a wild crazy baby who runs around kicking everything.

Posted 8/18/05 8:25 AM

Making big changes

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Re: Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

For the most part, he was incredibly active and it was any time of the day, or the night. Any time I would go to the doctor he would comment on how active he was, or the sono technicians would say "he won't stop moving around!" One technician spent about 10 minutes trying to get a specific shot, because he wouldn't stop moving. I would actually get really worried when he wasn't being active, because it was more of a rarity that he was unactive instead of active.

Posted 8/18/05 8:40 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

My little one never stops! They say that at some point you'll notice sleep and active cycles, but all I notice is lots and lots of rolling, kicking and stretching, and OMG, does it HURT! Chat Icon On Monday I had a Dr. appointment and as the Dr. was trying to use the doppler little Baby Beer kept kicking it off Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/18/2005 8:55:05 AM.

Posted 8/18/05 8:54 AM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

My Chat Icon is not super active (unless I am just not feeling it) . When I had my scare a few weeks ago, the nurse at the hospital could not believe how active she was because she kept kicking off the monitor. Its only like the last 2 weeks that I feel her move more often. But it's not crazy. She lets mommy sleep at night though Chat Icon . Sometime she is active when I am at work trying to help a client and all of a sudden she gives a good kick or punch and I get startled...Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/05 9:07 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

I'm surprised that I didn't have bruises on the side of my belly, Jared was ALWAYS kicking me in the side.Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/05 10:01 AM

My boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

VERY active little one here!! I often think he's going to pop right out of my belly. The other night DH and I were laying down and hugging and our little boy gave his daddy 2 swift kicksChat Icon Chat Icon It was so funny - like DAD GET OFF MOM!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/05 10:22 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

DH used to ask me "HOW can you possibly get ANY sleep with all that kicking?!" He would touch my belly while I was out cold and the baby would be having a party in there. He was so so active!

Posted 8/18/05 7:59 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

My husband told me that once too, that i was sleeping and the baby was going nuts in there! I was like *what??* didn't even know it was going on!!! Apparently it's a quite frequent thing!

Posted 8/18/05 8:24 PM

it's me

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Re: Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

When I went for my 12 week sono the baby was waving it's arms up and down and bouncing up and down. I couldn't feel anything though. At 17 weeks I still don't feel anything. I'm anxiously waiting though. I can't wait to see my little bumbleb in a couple of weeks for my Level II.

Posted 8/18/05 8:29 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Was/is anyones elses baby VERY active...

If you are 17 weeks then you will most likely start feeling it very soon.

I seriously though it was just my hungry belly rumbling for like 2 weeks. I kept telling my husband, man, I've been soooo hungry lately. THen it got a little stronger and I realized it was my little one bouncing around in there.

It felt like bubbles popping for me once I was sure what it was.

Posted 8/18/05 8:36 PM

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