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Member since 3/06 1267 total posts
Washer / Dryer Combo
Does any one have the new machine that is both a washing machine and a dryer? We are thinking about getting one, but i don't know of any one who has had one.
Any opinions on them?
Posted 6/27/06 9:55 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
Washer/Dryer combo? Do you mean like a stackable?
Posted 6/27/06 10:14 AM |
Another on the way!

Member since 3/06 1267 total posts
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
Posted by Diana1215
Washer/Dryer combo? Do you mean like a stackable?
no, not the stackable, the ones that are both machines in one, here is a link to one:
combo washer/dryer
Posted 6/27/06 10:19 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
I never saw that before. But the the first thing that comes to my mind is that you can only do one load at a time with that. I think that would be a pain.
Message edited 6/27/2006 10:20:33 AM.
Posted 6/27/06 10:20 AM |
Another on the way!

Member since 3/06 1267 total posts
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
thats true, but space is a big concern where we live, that would give us so much storage room. I wish I knew some one that had one!
Posted 6/27/06 10:33 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
You wouldn't want a stackable. I have one and love it.
Posted 6/27/06 10:33 AM |
Another on the way!

Member since 3/06 1267 total posts
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
Posted by Diana1215
You wouldn't want a stackable. I have one and love it.
that is what I was going to get, then i saw the combo's and thought, even better -thats if it works well
Posted 6/27/06 10:41 AM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
We have them here in the UK and they are fairly common. However, the ones that we have here are not great. I don't know anyone who raves about them, they don't get the clothes 100% dry, just mostly dry.
I don't know about the ones in the US, but they are probably better!
Posted 6/27/06 10:43 AM |
Another on the way!

Member since 3/06 1267 total posts
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
Posted by racheeeee
We have them here in the UK and they are fairly common. However, the ones that we have here are not great. I don't know anyone who raves about them, they don't get the clothes 100% dry, just mostly dry.
I don't know about the ones in the US, but they are probably better!
thanks for the imput, I know they have been around for a while and I have not heard much about them which I figured was not a good thing.
Posted 6/27/06 10:54 AM |
J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
I live in an apt so we have an all in one, like this one
I would personally be afraid of the kind you are referring to. water + electricity
also, like someone mentioned, you would only be able to do 1 load at a time.
Posted 6/27/06 11:00 AM |
My happy babies

Member since 3/06 3428 total posts
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
these combos dry in a ventless system - i do not think there is any great ventless dryer yet
if there is a choice i would get a stackable with a vented dryer
if you read the combo LG one - it takes like 4-6 hours for a load - and watch a lot of the drying times are for half the size of the washing load
read very careful is my suggestion
Posted 6/27/06 1:30 PM |
Member since 9/05 5983 total posts
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
Posted by racheeeee
We have them here in the UK and they are fairly common. However, the ones that we have here are not great. I don't know anyone who raves about them, they don't get the clothes 100% dry, just mostly dry.
I don't know about the ones in the US, but they are probably better!
We've had them in Ireland too for a very long time. My dad has apartments rented out and has them kitted out with the washer/dryer combo. They are more suited to a small load for one person and do the job pretty well - he never had any problems with any unit and he bought quite a few.
I just saw one in Sears on Saturday and was explaining to DH what it was. I can't believe they haven't taken off over here, but, like I said they wouldn't really be suitable for a family.
Posted 6/27/06 1:39 PM |
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
I believe Ang-Rich has one, I remember her speaking about it on the home boards.
Posted 6/27/06 1:48 PM |
2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05 15287 total posts
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
I love the space saving concept of them and I am pretty sure you can program some models to start at a particular time which would be great for towels, sheets, etc. But I don't tumble dry a lot of my clothes so while part of one load is drying, I am stuck and can't wash another load of clothes. I think I would end up doing laundry more frequently.
Posted 6/27/06 1:51 PM |
I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05 5150 total posts
Name: Farah
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
Another UKer here...we had one in the last apartment we were in and I hated it!! You could never dry as much as you washed (maybe that's just me overloading the washing machine??? ) and the fact taht you couldn't wash while you dried - ie only one load at a time really annoyed me!! I would rather do smaller loads more often, so if I had the choice, I would've opted for a stackable...
Posted 6/27/06 1:52 PM |
Love her so much <3

Member since 5/05 15567 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
i have the stackble and i love it cause i'm able to do the landry that is all that matters.
Posted 6/27/06 2:13 PM |
Proud Mommy
Member since 3/06 1745 total posts
Name: Kerri
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
I had one is my co-op but left it when we sold. The wash/dry cylce takes hours and the drum is very small so you can only do a small load at a time . Its great when you don't have space or get wierded out by laundry services and laundry mats -like me
I liked it but dont miss it now that I have space for full-size machines and can do laundry less frequently.
I had a chrome one from LG..
Posted 6/27/06 2:38 PM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Washer / Dryer Combo
Posted by bridget-n-jimmy
I believe Ang-Rich has one, I remember her speaking about it on the home boards.
Yup! We have one in our co-op. We've had of for about 4 years now and I love it. The brand is Equator.
Don't get me wrong - a regular front load washer and drier is the best but if you are short on space and want ventless...this is great. It's just the two of us in our place and we are able to keep up with the laundry. Let me know if you have any questions.
Posted 6/27/06 2:54 PM |