I posted about a month ago that my 86 year old grandma was in rehab. Apparently she had fallen and broken a rib and her blood pressure was very low so she was extremely weak.
Well, she was in rehab for a couple of weeks to get her strength back up and is now home in FL with my 90 year old grandfather and my aunt.
I got a copy of an email my aunt sent out to all her brothers and sisters about Grandma and apparently she is not doing well. I think she is settling down into a depression. She can't do the things she used to. She and Grandpa were so independent and it seems she is having a hard time coping with the fact that this is forever changed. She is sleeping a lot during the day and now my grandfather is worried that she is giving up. That she is losing the will to live.
If you can, please spare some extra prayers for my grandma. She has 8 children, 7 children-in-law, 21 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. She still has so much to live for.