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Weekly monitoring after 32 weeks

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07

685 total posts


Weekly monitoring after 32 weeks

So one of my tests came back with a low result (not sure which one) but my doctor said it's a new test and some babies have had abnormalities (he didn't even know what specifically) due to that result so I have to have fetal heart and fluid monitoring once a week once I get to 32 weeks. He didn't seem too concerned about it so I'm not too worried but just wondering if anyone had this done and what exactly they're monitoring (decreased heart rate, increased...??)

Thanks. Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/14 9:08 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 5/12

2912 total posts


Weekly monitoring after 32 weeks

I would ask what they are worried about happening specifically.
They are probably doing a weekly biophysical profile which they do for a lot of conditions. I think it's just checking on blood flow, heartrate, and fluid levels.

Posted 8/6/14 1:29 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07

685 total posts


Re: Weekly monitoring after 32 weeks

Yeah, I'm going to ask for more specifics next time. The doctor seemed unphased by it so I didn't ask more but now I'm a bit nervous about it so going to find out more info. next time. Thanks for the info. Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/14 5:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/13

1350 total posts


Re: Weekly monitoring after 32 weeks

I had weekly biophysical sonos towards the end of my pregnancy. I had unexplained elevated AFP levels at my 2nd tri screen so they would do the sonos to monitor placenta, baby breathing, heartbeat, fluid levels, etc.

Good luck! I'm sure everything will be fine Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/14 7:38 PM

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