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Weight gain in 3 weeks?

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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Weight gain in 3 weeks?

Connor will be 4 weeks old on Tuesday. At his one week appt. he had gained 5 oz. from when we left the hospital which was 3 days before that, so including the weight he lost while in the hospital he was back up to 10lb 3oz. I just weighed him at home, well with me and then by myself just to get an idea of what he gained so far these past 3 weeks. Well, not even 3 weeks. From what the scale says he gained 3 lbs in less than 3 weeks! He would now be over 13lbs. Is this a good weight to gain? I'm exclusively BF so I was worried about it. What did everyone else's babies gain the first month? I know the scale might be different at the docs office, but I was just seeing around what it would be at home. Thanks!

Posted 10/8/06 9:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I love the summer

Member since 1/06

2063 total posts


Re: Weight gain in 3 weeks?

I BF too and for the first two months, he avergaged a weight gain of 3 pounds a month. At his three month appt, his weight gain slowed to 1 1/2 pounds. I think that they just thrive on the BF, especially in the beginning.

Posted 10/8/06 9:54 PM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

8126 total posts


Re: Weight gain in 3 weeks?

If your EBF then I wouldn't worry about it he will eventually level off. Also I wouldn't count on the accuracy of a scale at home. I did the same and I kept getting around 10lbs when DD was 2-3wks old and it turned out at her 1mth appt she was 10lbs 3oz (she was 7lbs 11oz at birth)

Posted 10/8/06 9:56 PM

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