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weight of baby

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

921 total posts


weight of baby

Hi Girls,

I am still thinking about my doctor scheduling me for a c-section so far in advance and I am still so upset about it. I am curious to know who had a c-section, who had a v birth and how much did your baby weigh. I can not believe I am being forced into this.Chat Icon

Posted 11/5/05 5:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm getting old

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Re: weight of baby

2 C's.

Emma in distress otherwise I was trying for vaginal 7lbs 15oz

Jeremy scheduled C cause I didnt want a VBAC 7lb 8oz

PLEASE dont let your doc force you into anything!!!!!!!!

Posted 11/5/05 5:37 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: weight of baby

what was the reason the doctor said you have to have a c section?

Posted 11/5/05 5:39 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: weight of baby

vaginal, no drugs, 8 lbs

Posted 11/5/05 5:54 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: weight of baby

V birth... 9 lbs 2 oz
Chat Icon

Posted 11/5/05 5:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

921 total posts


Re: weight of baby

Posted by Corinne

what was the reason the doctor said you have to have a c section?

here is the original story.

Posted 11/5/05 6:15 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: weight of baby

V birth, baby was 9 pounds 1 oz (and I'm 5'2). There was never any discussion of scheduling a c-section because of her size.

Posted 11/5/05 6:52 PM

boy mamma

Member since 5/05

2975 total posts


Re: weight of baby

Im a really small girl and I del a 9lbs 10 oz 21.5 in baby vag w/o a problem.

Posted 11/5/05 7:01 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Re: weight of baby

C-section, 7lbs, 11oz.

My original due date was July 5th. They moved it up to June 27th and then tried to schedule me for a c-section on the 23rd!!! All because my due date was close to the holiday. They kept telling me my baby was going to be big and that my fluids were low.

I held out and scheduled my induction on July 5th. I didn't deliver until July 7. Talk about not being ready to come out.

Just ask yourself this, if you do agree to the scheduled C/S and it turns out you deliver a healthy 7lb baby, will you regret not trying for v-birth?

Posted 11/5/05 7:36 PM

Praying for Everyone.

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Re: weight of baby

Danielle - V birth, one week early, 7lbs 6oz (epi)

Sofia - V birth, one week late - (dr. induced) 8lbs 11oz (no drugs!! Chat Icon )

Message edited 11/5/2005 8:01:27 PM.

Posted 11/5/05 8:01 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: weight of baby

C-section 8 lbs 5 oz. He didn't drop and was facing the wrong way...

Posted 11/5/05 8:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2922 total posts


Re: weight of baby

v-birth- but with 4th degree episiotomy, baby was 8lbs, 3oz

Posted 11/5/05 8:38 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Mom of 2

Re: weight of baby

csection...10 lbs 13 oz....2 WEEKS LATE...never went into labor so I had no choice as I wasnt about to be induced 2 wks late with an estimated 10 lb baby Chat Icon

Posted 11/5/05 8:44 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: weight of baby

Emily was 9lbs 10 oz and I had a c-section. She was measuring over 10 lbs on sono and I didn't want to have any of the risks associated with deliverying a big baby.

Just an FYI -- I know vag birth is the optimal situation -- but I'm really glad I had a c-section. There was a woman in the maternity ward the same time I was there and she delivered her 3rd child via vag birth. He was big ... 9lbs 6 oz -- and her other two were bigger then that though, her biggest 9-13. The doctors told her she could handle this baby no problem, but he ended up getting stuck in the birth canal and had serious nerve damage to his arm and shoulder.

My doctor and I discussed the risks. In the worst case scenario risks include paralysis of the baby, disfigurement, death, really bad things like that if the baby gets stuck. I just decided that I'd rather have a more difficult recovery for myself then risk any of those things for my child.

In your situation though i think the doctor is scheduling a c-section too early and hasn't taken your opinion into consideration. It SHOULD be your choice -- not your doctors. If you say "I want to try delivering it first" your doctor should definately let you. We didn't schedule mine till 4 days beforehand -- so they should really wait until the time comes to make that decision.

Good luck! I hope things work out how you want them and for the best for you and your baby!


Posted 11/5/05 8:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: weight of baby

I was told that my son would be no larger than 8-4... I was forced to deliver my baby vaginally.. I KNEW he was too big, and they insisted cause I was "a big girl, with big hips" (pre-pregnancy size 16-18) I would be fine.. My son was born 10 lbs 5 oz and almost 23 inches long.. They had to use a vacuum to get him out... The damage I did to my back was not worth the 23 hour labor and additional 3.5 hours of pushing.. I was exhausted and spent the following 6 weeks at a PT office, and have been continuing treatments since.

On the other hand... My girlfriend had twins and they told her they were going to induce her because the girls were too big, she DID NOT want a c-section NO MATTER WHAT, unless the kids were in trouble... They induced her and her kids were 5lbs and change and 6lbs and change.. not nearly as big as they thought they were going to be.. But SHE pushed...

Can you ask your Dr. about an induction and then during L&D if you feel the baby is too big, go in for the C??? Sometimes that will help change the Drs mind.. Good Luck! HTH

Message edited 11/6/2005 2:09:09 AM.

Posted 11/6/05 2:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: weight of baby

I just read your other post.. and I wanted to share, my sister who is genetically opposite of me.. a natural size 2- gave birth to an 8lb 6 oz baby and a9lb 15 oz baby.. A-ok... both vaginally.. If he never made reference to you having a small pelvis, or for that matter the SPECIALIST never mentioned anything, I would INSIST on seeing another doc in the practice!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/6/05 2:12 AM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: weight of baby

Don't let them push you into anything!!! It's your child and your body!!! JMO

Posted 11/6/05 8:14 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: weight of baby

I replied on your other thread. Chat Icon

Posted 11/6/05 9:08 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

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Re: weight of baby

v birth 7 pound 9 ounces

Posted 11/6/05 10:35 AM

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