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What are you giving DC's therapists for Xmas?

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Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


What are you giving DC's therapists for Xmas?

If you are a therapist, what gifts are you normally given?

I was thinking of a GC, or maybe a toy and a GC... Then I was thinking should I do $50.00, $75.00, or $100.00?

What are you going to give? If you don't mind sharing.

Posted 11/16/08 1:33 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

863 total posts


Re: What are you giving DC's therapists for Xmas?

I'm in the same boat....the funny thing is that my DH and I are both teachers and I still am unsure every year what to get. I have three kiddos and between teachers, coaches and therapists I have 16 to get for.

GC are always welcomed. In terms of the amount, really I think 50.00 would more than thoughtful. Some of the things that I have gotten in the past....a huge bowl, with my last name painted on it and a GC for blockbuster with popcorn and candy inside. GC for Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. A new tote bag, which I still have that is used for work, etc. I also received a really simple but beautiful little mirrored compact (that I carry in my bag still) that was inscribed "true angel" on it along with a heartfelt note thanking me for all my help...this came from a family that was told their daughter would never do well b/c of her severe learning disability. I had her in 6th grade and she "graduated" on to middle school. I just recently found out she is in her second year of college planning on becoming a special education teacher.

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Posted 11/17/08 6:49 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/08

97 total posts


Re: What are you giving DC's therapists for Xmas?

I think 50 is overly generous. If I got half of that I would be shocked!!

Posted 11/24/08 10:50 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: What are you giving DC's therapists for Xmas?

I'm confused if you are asking what to get your DC's therapists or if you are a therapist asking what to get the children (the toy remark is throwing me off).

Anyway...I bought Vera Bradley stuff for DS's therapists and teachers. He has 8 altogether. I got little change purse type things that I'll put $10 GC to Barnes & Noble for the four teachers in the class. I got VB umbrellas for the speech and OT and an eyeglass case for the school psych. I can't afford to spend a lot so I'm glad I found the sale I did.

Posted 11/25/08 11:22 AM


Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


Re: What are you giving DC's therapists for Xmas?

Thanks ladies.

I know the post was a little confusing. I am buying for the therapists. They always bring toys in with them. So I was thinking of getting them a toy & GC. I think I am just doing a gift card though.

That Vera Bradley stuff was a great idea.

Leslie, I cannot believe you have 16 people to buy for. Chat Icon

Posted 11/25/08 12:40 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

863 total posts


Re: What are you giving DC's therapists for Xmas?


I know!!!! I was like Chat Icon ...I'm glad I only have three kiddos. LOL!

Posted 11/25/08 2:26 PM

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