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What creates PG symptoms?

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Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


What creates PG symptoms?

I was wondering..What exactly creates things like morning sickness, sore boobs, headaches etc...

Is is the HCG? Rising progesterone? Anyone know?

I think that would shed some light on early PG symptoms we FEEL we have but are really only PMS.

I was always under the impression the HCG is what caused this all, and therefore, unless it was high , such as at like 4 weeks PG, you wouldnt feel symptoms? BUT then we see PG girls say they get syptoms 10-12dpo??

Posted 6/8/05 9:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: What creates PG symptoms?

I found this which answers one of my ?'s. Since Im now having sore boobs and am only 6dpo-7dpo, I think I can easily say then this is not my month. HCG would be like what 1 or 2 at this point, not enough to create this symptom.

Breasts: Pregnancy causes the breasts (and nipples) to feel very tender. It is possible for them to become swollen and even increase in size. In many cases, the veins of the breast will become much more visible. Nipples have also been known to darken in color. These symptoms are caused by an increased amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (or HCG). HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy.

Posted 6/8/05 9:24 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What creates PG symptoms?

Such a good question - but so foreign to me. I have NO PMS at all whatsoever ever....maybe 3 times in my life I have had slight cramps. So when people talk about it here, I have no idea what they feel like. I didn't feel ANYTHING during my short pregnancy - so I thought something was wrong since I didn't have any symptoms - but the Dr. told me that well everyone is different. My sister had NO morning sickness, or sore boobs or ANYthing. I hope - when the time comes si Dios quiera - that I have a pregnancy like hers!!

Posted 6/8/05 10:52 PM

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Re: What creates PG symptoms?

Good Question, but I am clueless!

Posted 6/8/05 11:22 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: What creates PG symptoms?

Some of the symptoms are caused by progesterone's affect on the body and other symptoms are caused by hcg or even the uterus getting ready for a baby. This all depends on the symptom.

For instance, uterus stretching is very common. That's when you feel "twinges'....that can happen early on.

Progesterone causes sore boobs but when you are pregnant, the soreness usually intensifies.

Posted 6/9/05 6:47 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: What creates PG symptoms?

it's both the hcg and progesterone. According to "Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" they call it Progesterone Poisoning since it changes us so drastically (mood swings and all)

Posted 6/9/05 7:52 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: What creates PG symptoms?

Posted by btrflygrl

it's both the hcg and progesterone. According to "Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" they call it Progesterone Poisoning since it changes us so drastically (mood swings and all)

Exactly what she said...but I always create my symptoms too I thinkChat Icon

Posted 6/9/05 8:52 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: What creates PG symptoms?

I wouldn't necessarily rule out pregnancy if you're having symptoms at 6 or 7DPO. Every pregnancy is different and every woman's body is different - So, even if your HCG level is still really low, let's say around 5, that could still dramatically impact your body. For me, with both pregnancies, I started having symptoms about 5-6 days after ovulation - no sore boobs (actually, I never had any sore boobs), but I started getting these weird twinges, vivid dreams, night sweats, food aversions, and my metabolism picked up tenfold just a few short days after ovulation. I remember I kept telling DH I thought I was pregnant and he kept saying I was crazy because it was too early... so, the truth is, I don't think there's an easy explanation - only time will tell! Good luck and lots of baby dust!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/05 9:38 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: What creates PG symptoms?

Posted by btrflygrl

it's both the hcg and progesterone. According to "Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" they call it Progesterone Poisoning since it changes us so drastically (mood swings and all)

I LOVED that book!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 6/9/05 2:26 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: What creates PG symptoms?

Posted by karacg

Posted by btrflygrl

it's both the hcg and progesterone. According to "Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" they call it Progesterone Poisoning since it changes us so drastically (mood swings and all)

I LOVED that book!!!!!!!!!!

ME TOO!!! It was soooo right on the money!

Posted 6/9/05 4:12 PM

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