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I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22141 total posts
What did you do the day she died?
Just wondering if we were the only family who did something. She died Thursday and it was the most beautiful day. We went to her favorite beach and picked out shells and beach glass and took pictures. We got take out. We talked and laughed. We looked at the day as one she would have loved. I have to say, it was a special time.
Posted 10/14/06 9:19 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Positive thoughts worked!!!

Member since 6/06 1909 total posts
Name: J
Re: What did you do the day she died?
First let me say I'm sorry for your loss. On the day my mother died, my dad and I first went to sleep because it had been weeks since we actually went home to our own bed. Then we spent the day making phone calls and arrangements. I wish we had done something special like you did. It sounds like wonderful closure.
Posted 10/15/06 3:44 PM |
boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
Re: What did you do the day she died?
it was palm sunday, after we found out( my mom was in florida at the time being cared for my my grandma) we cried and then went to church to get palm. Every year I go to church when it is palm sunday- thats the only day I go now. AFter church I slept for DAYS until the wake.
Posted 10/16/06 9:29 PM |
The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06 24849 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: What did you do the day she died?
my Mom died around 7pm on a friday
I had just gotten engaged around 5pm
after she was gone- we all went to my Dad's house- sat around a drank and talked about all the good times
the next day- we planned the funeral-
Posted 10/17/06 9:29 AM |
Member since 6/05 3273 total posts
Re: What did you do the day she died?
I was still trying to get home from my honeymoon. She had already died but they didn't tell us till we got to LGA.
Posted 10/17/06 10:19 AM |
My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05 1101 total posts
Name: Sarah
Re: What did you do the day she died?
My father was in the hospital and he was going to be transported to boston the following day. I spoke to him about and hour before his death, he told me everything was going to be OK and not to worry he'd be home soon. I was mad that he was not going to be able to make it to my DDs christening so we posted poned it and i made him promise that he would be around for he birthday. He told me he would be there for her birthday, her first steps......... I stopped him and said you just have to get better. He said he would and everything was going to work out. I told him to fight the good fight and keep his nose up, he told me to kiss his little angel and tell her grandpa loved her more than life itself. I ended up going shopping with a friend for stuff i needed for my trip to boston with my father and i found out he died in old navy. I will never forget that day. We said our last goodbyes up at the hospital and then headed to my moms house to talk about my father and the plans for the funeral. .
Message edited 10/17/2006 2:22:08 PM.
Posted 10/17/06 2:19 PM |
My Children

Member since 5/05 7905 total posts
Name: MaMa
Re: What did you do the day she died?
I am sorry for your loss. When my mom died, we were all in the hospital and my dad, my sister & I made the discussion to take my mom after life support. After we all said our goodbyes to her, my aunt went into the room and stayed with her until she passed which was only 15 minutes. After that, we all went to my grandmother's house to tell her and be together with the rest of the family.
Posted 10/17/06 3:28 PM |

Member since 5/05 3416 total posts
Re: What did you do the day she died?
So sorry for your loss.. My mom passed when i was 8. My father told me and my brothers the news, I cried and then went out to play.
Posted 10/17/06 4:45 PM |
Never Forget

Member since 2/06 2735 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: What did you do the day she died?
My mom passed away on a Summer Friday around 7. I remember being relieved that she was no longer in pain. I immediately felt stronger - I'm convinced because she gave me the strength that she had. We left nothing unsaid... I felt at peace. Later that night, I remember lying on the grass looking up at the stars with my husband.
Posted 10/19/06 6:09 PM |
Mommy to 2 amazing little boys
Member since 5/05 9306 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: What did you do the day she died?
Message edited 1/30/2009 10:41:22 AM.
Posted 10/20/06 1:35 PM |
Member since 8/06 4376 total posts
Re: What did you do the day she died?
i ran to my living room couch and cried. My DH (at the time my boyfriend) left work to take me to KFC to try to get my mind off of it (yeah right, but he tried.) Afterwards, i remember sitting on the floor in my bedroom, my head was in his lap and he was calling my friends to tell them. he stayed with me that night.
Posted 11/6/06 9:09 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/06 326 total posts
Name: Joanne
Re: What did you do the day she died?
Oh how I remember that day, my poor Mom had cancer it started as esophagus cancer and spread through her lungs, and bones, she was a fighter, and I was so proud of her. That day I didn't go to the Hosp to visit because I was going around 4 with my fiance' , I got a call around 1 and I spoke to my Mom she wanted to know how come I wasn't sleeping, at that point I knew she was confused, and I told her you know me I never sleep, so after I told her that, she said to me get some sleep Joanne, I am going to sleep I am tired, and than she said I love you so much. That was the last time I spoke to her. Forty five minutes later I get the call come up to the hosp, she is very very bad, I called my fiance' at work, but unfortunatley she passed away at 1:45 Dec 21, 2004, from there I picked out her beautiful clothes and casket for the funeral. It was just so horrible, but I kept strong for My beautiful Mom and my beautiful Father and brothers. I know life goes on but why does it hurt so much. That's my sad story.
Posted 12/19/06 6:09 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: What did you do the day she died?
Well, my mom has been battling Pancreatic Cancer, so we were visiting her at the hospital, but she was sleeping, because she had a stroke that weekend. My dad called my sister who was in Florida to come up...because we didnt think she was going to make it, and my dad didnt want any feeding tube or to recesitate her because she suffered and dint want to anymore. I had just spoken to her days prior to her stroke and she told me to take care of my dad Well that day she dies she was sleeping and we all were up, and my sister from Florida came up in time. My mom had tears in her eyes..while she was sleeping. After being at the hospital for hours I drove home...later that night my brother called with the horrible news...that she finally laid to rest It was as if she was waiting for my sister to come up and was saying goodbye to all of us
I miss her so much
Posted 12/19/06 9:51 PM |
Member since 9/05 4947 total posts
Re: What did you do the day she died?
Dad had a stroke Sunday night. I flew to Florida, saw him alive for the last time that night...we spoke...then in the middle of the night the hospital called that he was crashing. We rushed to the hospital where he was on life support for about 2 hours until we removed it. After that we went to the rabbi and the rest is a blur. I just cried and cried...he was completely wasn't fair.
Posted 12/20/06 4:16 PM |