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What do/did you do with your 11 week old all day?

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May the Force Be With You!

Member since 5/05

2083 total posts


What do/did you do with your 11 week old all day?

Zach is staying up longer and longer during the day. I am running out of things to do that keep him stimulated. Any ideas?

Posted 4/27/08 3:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Brotherly love

Member since 12/07

1816 total posts


Re: What do/did you do with your 11 week old all day?

I know the feeling!!!

Okay, some things I have been doing are:

Going for walks in the stroller (weather permitting)
Floor time (either on a blanket with toys or the gymini tiny love play mat)
letting him play in his bouncer while I sit next to him and talk to him
Tummy time (which he hates but try kneeling in front of him while he does it to get him to calm down)
Put him in a swing and play music.
sing and talk to him while I am doing stuff like fold laundry, making lunch, etc.

DH and I are breaking out the jumperoo this weekend, since DS has good head control even though he is 14 weeks.

Also- I try to run at least one errand a day to make it go faster (sad, I know).

Posted 4/27/08 3:18 PM

May the Force Be With You!

Member since 5/05

2083 total posts


Re: What do/did you do with your 11 week old all day?

Posted by Annie91606

I know the feeling!!!

Okay, some things I have been doing are:

Going for walks in the stroller (weather permitting)
Floor time (either on a blanket with toys or the gymini tiny love play mat)
letting him play in his bouncer while I sit next to him and talk to him
Tummy time (which he hates but try kneeling in front of him while he does it to get him to calm down)
Put him in a swing and play music.
sing and talk to him while I am doing stuff like fold laundry, making lunch, etc.

DH and I are breaking out the jumperoo this weekend, since DS has good head control even though he is 14 weeks.

Also- I try to run at least one errand a day to make it go faster (sad, I know).

These are pretty much all the things I am doing with him right now. Thanks. I feel better knowing I seem to be doing enough.

Message edited 4/28/2008 9:47:00 AM.

Posted 4/28/08 9:46 AM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

8879 total posts


Re: What do/did you do with your 11 week old all day?

Same as above. Also read books, sing songs. He likes hearing singing or music.

Posted 4/28/08 1:00 PM

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