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Mommy of 3
Member since 8/08 2872 total posts
Name: Melissa
What do you pack for school lunch?
My DD is starting kindergarten in September. For daycare, I sent chicken nuggets and easy mac ALOT. Her other fall back is a bologna sandwich but I can't send that every day. What do you send that does not need to be heated up?
Posted 7/27/10 3:55 PM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
Great question! I was curious about this as well. We sent in leftovers and lots of stuff that needed to be heated up....I am at a loss of what to send her with 5 days a week while trying to keep it somewhat healthy.
Posted 7/27/10 4:07 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 2326 total posts
Name: Ms. Brat
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
My kids eat lots of turkey sandwiches and mini bagels with cream cheese.
School lunches, which I skeeve and think are the grossest things EVER, have saved me a lot of stress and aggravation because aside from the Italian food (my kids are sauce snobs) they LOVE them.
Posted 7/27/10 4:43 PM |

Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
Posted by PatsBrat
School lunches, which I skeeve and think are the grossest things EVER, have saved me a lot of stress and aggravation because aside from the Italian food (my kids are sauce snobs) they LOVE them.
My older son too!
My little guy likes a few things - like when the school orders the pizza from the pizzeria - but my older son would eat school lunch every day.
When I send lunch it's usually a sandwich - turkey or chicken with cheese on wheat or in a wrap are standard.
Posted 7/27/10 7:28 PM |

Member since 6/08 3290 total posts
Name: Irrelevant
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
Peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat bread pretty much every day. Occasionally cold cuts or tuna fish.
Posted 7/27/10 7:58 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
Bagels, hummus with veggies, cold cuts. I let her buy the school lunch pretty often.
Posted 7/27/10 8:25 PM |
My Girls

Member since 11/06 9543 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
For Sandwiches DD will eat Ham salami turkey bologna cream cheese & Jelly PB&J
also Yogurt salad with grilled Chicken
Posted 7/28/10 8:02 AM |

Member since 11/05 3463 total posts
Name: does it matter
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
This will be a challenge for me as well. J will probably have PB&J and bagelfuls
Posted 7/28/10 10:16 AM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
Our school is peanut free, so DS had a lot of jelly sandwiches. Sometimes he would buy lunch (real pizza (not frozen elios), chicken tenders, pasta, etc). Sometimes he would take Ritz crackers with turkey or ham and cheese. Or a soft taco with sliced cold chicken, cheese and lettuce. Nows he's getti g more adventurous and will actually take a turkey and cheese sandwich.
Posted 7/28/10 1:38 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 13060 total posts
Name: Ginger
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
My son usually takes turkey sandwiches.
Posted 7/28/10 1:41 PM |
So in love

Member since 10/05 3363 total posts
Name: Nancy
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
i cook chicken nuggets in the AM wrap them in foil and DS says they are good at lunch! also turkey, ham, bolonga sandwiches pb & j veggie burgers crackers & string cheese yogurt (that was frozen) with an ice pack
Posted 7/28/10 1:41 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
My son gets bored easily so I worry what to give him. Our lunch program is all food from local restaurants and sounds not too bad so that should add some variety shoudl he like the choices - pizzeria, chinese food, bagels, snadwiches, mexican, etc..
He took lunch 1-2 times a week in preK and now everyday in camp. He started with turkey and hummus on wheat bread everyday. Now everyday he wants pasta and not any pasta but Chey Boyardee!!! I hate the stuff and cringe giving it to him but he loves it. I bought one of those Thermos things and he said it is still warm..who knows but he doesn't seem to care. The only other thing he takes is salami sandwiches or rolled up salami.
Posted 7/28/10 1:47 PM |
I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06 8041 total posts
Name: D
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
DS goes to a NUT FREE pre-school and they cannot heat up lunch. I struggled to send him in with healthy lunch all year but this is the basically what he ate:
Sandwiches on Wonder light Wheat or Smart White: Ham & Cheese Bologna & Cheese Salami & Cheese Turkey & Cheese Cheese Apple butter (no sugar added) Pear butter (no sugar added) & Banana Sunflower Seed Butter and Jelly (this is just like PB&J but from Trader Joe's and it's made in a soy factory....No nuts at all )
Snack: Always a bowl of cut up fruit....various melons, apples, grapes...whatever
Plus: Yogurt Sliced Cucumber Earth's Best organic crackers Puffs
Message edited 7/28/2010 10:36:54 PM.
Posted 7/28/10 10:35 PM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
I've never sent something hot in. Its just too hard to prep in the AM and they get very little time to eat. I try to keep it easy for them so sandwiches often. My DS is a peanut butter person, he likes a PB sandwich 95% of the time. The other 5% he will eat turkey or bologna and cheese but mostly PB. My DD likes many different things. I will make her a salad with chicken or turkey on a wrap with avocado, carrots & scallion cream cheese (you can use any filling obviously) cut into pinwheels, so they are finger food. Bologna & cheese is something she also likes. Then various snacks. My DD would probably eat soup from a Thermos and things like that but I just see that as something she might spill rather easily so defiinitely simple so they don't have too many things to open. I know my DD is gabbing away too so she needs simple for that reason as well. And they get the school lunches a couple times a month for their hot lunch fix. My DS likes the Taco Tuesdays which doesn't sound appealing to me at unless it's from a Mexican restaurant with fresh guacamole.
Posted 7/29/10 1:47 AM |
My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
Crashing here, but I'm a PK teacher & I found that the metal thermos' really tend to keep things warm (mac & cheese or hot dogs or leftovers parents' sent were still warm at 11 am).
Posted 7/29/10 8:40 PM |
It's a beautiful day! :)

Member since 7/08 2296 total posts
Name: Dee
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
My kids are real pains and hate sandwiches and cold cuts.
So I found a fat thermos at CVS and they take chicken noodle soup with a small bag of crackers and a plastic spoon.
One of my sons loves those mini boxes of cereal, a styrofoam bowl, spoon and milk container from school.
I've sent fruit cut up, cheese sticks and those yogurt tubes with an ice pack.
They will also eat leftovers that I heat up really hot and put them in the thermos and by lunchtime the temp is perfect.
My oldest would not eat any hot lunch in elementary school because the one time he bought tacos he got really sick:(
My second son likes the chix nuggets and the mozzarella sticks only.
Posted 7/30/10 10:40 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
Posted by SweetCin
Crashing here, but I'm a PK teacher & I found that the metal thermos' really tend to keep things warm (mac & cheese or hot dogs or leftovers parents' sent were still warm at 11 am).
Good to know because I am in a panic about this. DD is so picky. Won't eat bread so obviously no sandwiches. Bagels usually need to be toasted. So at least I can try noodles with butter in a thermos and nuggets.
Posted 7/31/10 6:19 PM |
Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
peanut butter and jelly on wheat bread tuna fish on wheat yogurt or she buys lunch from school...they usually have a few different choices- always a hot choice, a salad choice, and a sandwich choice.
Posted 8/2/10 1:34 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: What do you pack for school lunch?
Posted by SweetCin
Crashing here, but I'm a PK teacher & I found that the metal thermos' really tend to keep things warm (mac & cheese or hot dogs or leftovers parents' sent were still warm at 11 am).
Thanks!!! That's great to know. I have been meaning to test it out myself but never get around to it!
Posted 8/2/10 1:37 PM |