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what do you think about canned fruit?

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Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

4648 total posts


what do you think about canned fruit?

my ds loves fruit but can't bite/chew a fresh apple, pear, peach, etc. so i give him them canned at 1-2 times a day as a dessert.

i know it has a ton of sugar but i'm just glad he's eating.

so do you ever give canned fruit? if you don't like them, why not?


Posted 7/17/08 10:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Love my Baby Boy!

Member since 4/07

5191 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

try to get it in water and not syrup

Posted 7/17/08 10:46 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

I don't give canned, but I buy the Gerber diced fruit and give her those or the fruit cups in the plastic, but I rinse them first.

Posted 7/17/08 10:54 PM


Member since 2/07

15928 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

DS loves fruit...I just make sure I get the ones packed in their own juice rather than syrup...

Depending upon the time of year canned fruit sometimes retains more nutrients than fresh because it's picked fully ripe and then processed right away. Fresh fruit, on the other hand, may have to travel long distances from farm to your local supermarket. It may suffer from improper storage conditions, and precious nutrients may be destroyed along the way.

Posted 7/17/08 11:00 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

I'll give it to her when I'm on the go, but I really only buy them if they're packed in juice, and if they're not, I do what Summer said and drain and rinse them.
Have you tried poaching some fresh fruit?

Posted 7/17/08 11:01 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

I give them he dole fruit cups. I haven't been able to find ones in water except for gerber which are in fruit juice but those are expensive.
I would try tree ripe peaches and necatrines this time of year. I just picked some up tonite and they feel juicey. Banana's he should be ok with and you can always steam them too a little to soften them.

Posted 7/17/08 11:03 PM

I love my little munchkins!

Member since 10/05

3939 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

Posted by prncss

I'll give it to her when I'm on the go, but I really only buy them if they're packed in juice, and if they're not, I do what Summer said and drain and rinse them.
Have you tried poaching some fresh fruit?

I was thinking the same thing about poaching fresh fruit. Then you could cut it up in little pieces.

Posted 7/18/08 8:40 AM

Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07

6815 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

I give Thomas Dole fruit cups.

Posted 7/18/08 8:43 AM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

DD loves the dole peaches in the plastic cups, I always drain the juice...

She gets them occassionally when I am out of fresh fruit or if she's begging for themChat Icon

Posted 7/18/08 8:48 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

you can get canned fruit in pear juice so it's not syrup. all it is is fruit and water and juice concentrate.

the fruit in plastic containers may come in juice as well, but they may be in syrup.

Posted 7/18/08 8:50 AM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

no I do not like canned fruit at all.
I do buy the fruit in the cups in the refrigerated produce section---if any has light syrup I wash them.
You can also buy fruit in jars at trader joes that is packed in juice.
Its hard...they seem to add sugar to everything!
Or..I get a giant fruit bowl from edible arrangements for 7.00 tht lasts a few days

Posted 7/18/08 8:50 AM


Member since 5/05

1541 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

Posted by lastchance1222

Or..I get a giant fruit bowl from edible arrangements for 7.00 tht lasts a few days

where do u get the edible arrangement for 7.00?? everytime I get them they are super expensive.

Posted 7/18/08 8:55 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

Posted by Summerrluvv

I don't give canned, but I buy the Gerber diced fruit and give her those or the fruit cups in the plastic, but I rinse them first.

If I had to make a choice I would chose this over canned. They also line the cans with preservatives in addition to the syrup.Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/08 9:16 AM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

17988 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

I was able to find some good fruit packs at WholeFoods but otherwise I steam the fruit and cut into pieces for DS.

Posted 7/18/08 9:17 AM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

7178 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

i sometimes give DS the dole canned peaches and mandarin oranges, all other fruits (bananas, plums, etc) i cut up fresh (and if i have fresh peaches he gets that instead of the doles obviously). I also dump out the syrup and rinse it off. but i dont think its big deal if you give it to your DSChat Icon whatever works for him, like you said as long as hes eating and happy, their are so many worse things he can have (ice cream, cake, etc)

Message edited 7/18/2008 9:22:32 AM.

Posted 7/18/08 9:20 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

Why not just cut up some fruit for him, apples into chunks for him to bite, Bananas are easy for babies to eat, ripe peaches...plums are nice and soft, grapes cut into pieces...

I have no problem with canned fruit, but you can give your baby tons of different kids of fresh fruit!

Posted 7/18/08 9:28 AM

Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

4648 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

thanks everyone! i do give him fresh fruit (mainly bananas, peeled grapes, peeled blueberies, and sometimes watermellon (but he throws up from it at times)> my ds can't bite into many fresh fruit and chew it b/c he has feeding issues which is why i give the fruit in a can (in water or in juice).

Posted 7/18/08 11:11 AM

Party of 5

Member since 4/08

6489 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

DS is a fruit junkie. I used the canned in the winter or when I run out of fresh fruit, they also sell the ones in only their own juice or Lite

Message edited 7/18/2008 11:14:14 AM.

Posted 7/18/08 11:12 AM

My Girls

Member since 12/06

3642 total posts


Re: what do you think about canned fruit?

If I don't have fresh fruit, As an above poster said, I buy the canned fruit that is in pear juice concentrate...not in syrup...

Posted 7/18/08 11:14 AM

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