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What else to do?

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Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


What else to do?

I know we need to get the nursery ready, but there are a few things we need to get done first. Paint the two upstairs bedrooms, lay down new carpet, paint the stairway, fix the stairway molding and install new banister. We're all set with regards to the registry (and, woohoo, we have 4 gifts already purchased). I feel like there are a million things that I'm missing, or forgetting to do to get prepared and DH is in the middle of a job transition over the next 2 weeks and while he's trying to get things done, his mind is going a million miles a minute. What could I be forgetting?

Posted 9/21/14 7:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 1/13

1329 total posts


Re: What else to do?

Sleep as late as you can, go anywhere you want whenever you want, and take 20 min showers :)

Posted 9/21/14 8:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


What else to do?

I'm just getting started to stock the freezer. I froze a ton before I had DD and it was so helpful since she nursed nonstop in the evenings for a while. I definitely want to get a lot of meals together while I can.

Other than that, I'm not sure. Now that the summer craziness is over I feel like I need to get a move on but I'm not sure what I need to do! I've been trying to get some christmas lists together so I can get my shopping done early but haven't gotten too far yet.

Posted 9/21/14 9:34 PM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

7287 total posts


What else to do?

I stocked the freezer, too. I also made sure that my room (where the babies first slept) would be spotless, even taking down the curtains and wiping the walls. You have some time for that. The only other thing I can think of is washing all of the newborn stuff and maybe the newborn bottles if you're using any.

Posted 9/21/14 9:45 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


What else to do?

We're going to get a cleaning person to come in and do a massive scrub-down of the house, I don't care how much that costs. We also have to make final decisions about daycare. Thanks for the reminder about stocking the freezer, I'm going to start that next weekend - so glad we have the second fridge/freezer in the basement!

Thanks for helping me use this as a sounding board and "To Do List"!

Posted 9/21/14 9:56 PM

i need sleep ;-)

Member since 2/14

2008 total posts


What else to do?

we r doing a deep clean as well. Here is my to do list, sorry for the repeats & they are out of "order"-- some I realized after i added to the list have to be done after the baby is born:

set up 529 acct for savings
clean up/ empty, then set up bedrooms (nursery, office/playroom)
clean up basement, start setting up for future playroom
register (around 20-24wks)
look into umbrella & more life insurance
look into making wills
sign up for birthing class
baby proofing (later)
tour hospital
vet visits/ check ups
coupon for shampoo/conditioner/papergoods/ etc etc
make & freeze dinners - around 36/38 wks
look at birth announcements early
look into/ schedule maternity & newborn pix
pack hospital bag (around 36wks)
waxes (38 wks)
wash baby shower clothes/ blankets/ bottles/ pumps
make plan for dogs during labor
install car seat (38 wks)
waterproof car & bed around 37 wks (mattress cover, towels)
call insurance/ research breast pump

Posted 9/22/14 8:35 AM
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