ok this is month 4, im due friday i and i just have this feeling it didnt work. I posted before that i was home with a stomach virus was hoping for any indication that it was morngn sickness btu since my dh caight it i doubt it was LOL.

Anyway i give alot of credit to girls who have been on thois roller coaster for months and months.. how do you stay focussed and calm?

I reallywanted to go back to work pg. I was also hoopig to get pregoo now so that i would have a spring baby and be home for a while before i had to go back to work ( i teach) figure april may and then wthe whole summer babay would be 3-5 months..

I took TWO hpt's both BFN!!!!!!!!

BABY DUST TO ALL and sorry for teh pity party i kno wthere are people tryign muych longer than me and Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to those people..