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PLEASE help me.....she's still throwing up randomly & I don't know why

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


PLEASE help me.....she's still throwing up randomly & I don't know why we've been doing GREAT.....Sun & Mon she kept EVERYTHING down.
Tues night she ate a chicken tender and some baked potato and drank her powerade/pedialyte mix and threw it up before bedtime. She even ate pasta w/ red sauce for lunch and had no issues.

Gave her a chicken nugget & pasta for issues. Gave her the same thing for dinner......threw it up. Now....she was drinking her juice semi-laying down in our bed (as we do with her bedtime bottle) and she drank alot.

Then she woke up with a nasty dirty diaper and I figured I'd give her something to drink--maybe she was thirsty (we did that on other nights and she was fine). Well she drank that SO fast and that came back up.

Then this morning, she drank her juice super fast again (and it was cold from the fridge) and up it came. I gave her half of the Zofran Rx we got from the ER and she ate a whole pancake and a whole banana.

SO......WHY is she throwing up? My theories:
A) her drink is cold and irritating her tummy
B)she's drinking it so fast that she's overfilling her little belly
C)The pedialyte I was using was more than 48 hrs old (the bottle says to use within 48 hrs of opening....we opened it on Sat...she threw up on Tue & Wed)
D) DH theory....she's got too much air in her belly and instead of burping, she is burping & throwing up at the same time.

Posted 3/22/07 10:16 AM
Long Island Weddings
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too excited for words

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Re: PLEASE help me.....she's still throwing up randomly & I don't know why

I would start with letting her drinks be room temperature. And maybe you can give her a sippy cup with smaller holes so she can't down it so fast.

Posted 3/22/07 10:19 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: PLEASE help me.....she's still throwing up randomly & I don't know why

Does she throw up every day that you give her a chicken tender? Could there be something wrong with them maybe?

Posted 3/22/07 10:22 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: PLEASE help me.....she's still throwing up randomly & I don't know why

Posted by monkeybride

Does she throw up every day that you give her a chicken tender? Could there be something wrong with them maybe?

Or food allergies? My nephew has them and when he was about 3 my SIL gave him a tiny piece of lamb and he violently vomited.

Posted 3/22/07 10:24 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: PLEASE help me.....she's still throwing up randomly & I don't know why

Posted by melijane

Posted by monkeybride

Does she throw up every day that you give her a chicken tender? Could there be something wrong with them maybe?

Or food allergies? My nephew has them and when he was about 3 my SIL gave him a tiny piece of lamb and he violently vomited.

No food allergies...she's been eating them since she's 7 moonths old.

She has thrown up both days she got them, but she got one for lunch yesterday and was fine all afternoon. It was while she was drinking her powerade/pedialyte mix before bed (instead of her milk) that she threw up

Posted 3/22/07 11:00 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2246 total posts


Re: PLEASE help me.....she's still throwing up randomly & I don't know why

Chat Icon Sounds like a stomach bug. I would just try giving her toast and small amounts of liquid for the time being. Hopefully it will pass soon. Also I would just check with her ped.

Hope she feels better soon.

Posted 3/22/07 11:20 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

3071 total posts


Re: PLEASE help me.....she's still throwing up randomly & I don't know why

I think she still has a touch of it. I've had this with my kids when I've believed it to be completely gone (i.e. no fever, back to eating, etc..) when out of the blue they throw up a few times.

Hope she's better soon.

Posted 3/22/07 11:31 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: PLEASE help me.....she's still throwing up randomly & I don't know why

I would give her very bland foods and stop the pedilyte. That could be what is upsetting her belly. If this continues for another day or two call the ped.

Posted 3/22/07 1:10 PM

Life is good!

Member since 2/06

1450 total posts


Re: PLEASE help me.....she's still throwing up randomly & I don't know why

When Abby had the stomach bug she threw up Friday night, was fine Saturday into Sunday and then threw up again all night long on Sunday night. The stomach bug lasted about days.
Sorry you guys are going though this. I think she is just still sick. I agree with the others... bland food and little bits of it.

I hope she starts to feel better real soon.

Posted 3/22/07 1:53 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: PLEASE help me.....she's still throwing up randomly & I don't know why

Try the brat diet. Bread, rice, apples, toast until she's better.

Posted 3/22/07 2:01 PM

My Girls!

Member since 5/05

2688 total posts


Re: PLEASE help me.....she's still throwing up randomly & I don't know why

Sounds like that horrible stomach virus. Peyton had it for a week. Same exact symptoms. My pediatrician recommended White Grape Juice. Try and give it to her a little at a time because like Aly, she guzzled her fluids and ended up getting sick.

I feel so sorry for you because you never know when it's going to happen.

Hope she feels better.

Posted 3/22/07 2:59 PM

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