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question about the test between 11-13 weeks

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Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


question about the test between 11-13 weeks

is it AFP??
anyway my dr was telling me I could have the ultrscreen and finger prick bloodtest and I ask if she recommends I do it and she said it really is a personal decision
I am having this baby no matter what so she I even have the test done??

can you girls tell me your opinions and experiences

Posted 5/31/06 9:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

60 total posts


Re: question about the test between 11-13 weeks

I think that's the nuchal test. We did it - it's non-invasive, so for us there was no reason not to.

ETA: The nuchal is different from the AFP (which for us was folded into the quad screen). I think the AFP/quad screen happens around 16 weeks.

Message edited 5/31/2006 9:45:53 PM.

Posted 5/31/06 9:45 PM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

8126 total posts


Re: question about the test between 11-13 weeks

The 11-13 wk test is the nuchal translucency test which is the ultrascreen plus a fingerstick. The AFP comes at about 16wks which involves just getting bloodwork done.

Posted 5/31/06 10:56 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

2333 total posts


Re: question about the test between 11-13 weeks

I had this test -- the ultrascreen and I'm glad I did. It has a lower false positive rate than the AFP and a better detection rate. I'll still have the quad screen, but I'm glad I had the ultrascreen, too.

Posted 6/1/06 8:42 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: question about the test between 11-13 weeks

fyi- not all places to finger prick- mine took a full vial of blood from arm.

Posted 6/1/06 9:55 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: question about the test between 11-13 weeks

I did not take that test. According to my Dr. that is the one that gets the false positives for downes. The AFP is more for spina bfida (this is what my Dr. said, but my friend was told that the AFP was for downes). I know a bunch of people that got false positives and didn't want the amnio (neither do I) and were worried for 6 months and everything turned out fine. That's why I didn't get it.

But, it is totally up to you. I say that if you are not going to have an amnio and you are going to keep the baby no matter what, then maybe you could skip it. Good luck deciding Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/06 10:39 AM

my little man

Member since 5/05

1350 total posts


Re: question about the test between 11-13 weeks

I did not have that test done.
I did opt to have the quad screen at 18 weeks though.

Posted 6/1/06 10:45 AM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

2333 total posts


Re: question about the test between 11-13 weeks

One thing to think about -- most doctors like you to take the AFP b/c it screens for spina bifida and a few other things in addition to Downs. I know somoeone who recieved what appears to be a false positive for Downs on her AFP. Now she's upset that her doctor never mentioned the Ultrascreen, which could have also checked for Downs and might have given her a more accurate reading.

The false postive rate for AFP is very high -- only 1 in 50 pregnancies identified as being at risk for Downs will actually have a problem. If you have also had the Ultrascreen it may give you some reassurance if you are one of those unlucky women who get the false positive. It really is a personal decision, though.

Posted 6/1/06 11:12 AM

My babies

Member since 6/05

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Re: question about the test between 11-13 weeks

I am with Dr. Hanauer too and she told us the same way. After I told her we decided against it - she said she did also with her children. It's totally a personal decision. I, personally, would not terminate anyway and have bad luck with testing, doctors, so I didn't want to get a false positive and go nuts. I actually made the appointment, and then cancelled it after long thought. Good luck with your decision!

Posted 6/1/06 11:23 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: question about the test between 11-13 weeks

good to know about the different options. I had no idea we could turn down test. I am really not interested in having it. My mother had a false positive with my youngest brother and her entire pregnancy was hell.

Posted 6/1/06 12:35 PM

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