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? for the moms who breastfed

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The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

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? for the moms who breastfed

I intend to breastfeed as long as I am able to....however, whenever I say this to some people I get very mixed experiences. Some say that it was too stressful/demanding..some have awful stories about people's comments when they fed discreatly in public, etc.

My question is...aside from the joys of bonding did anyone ever wish they hadn't breastfed? I intend to do it regardless of friends/family's opinion - I just wondered if anyone else had similar experiences...

Posted 5/31/05 8:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Live in the Present

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Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

I was so sad that my little guy didn't latch on...but I pumped for 5 months anyway to help him build up an immune system.
I to stop pumping because I was physically exhausted between working full time and taking care of my little guy. I would be waking up to change and feed him...then pump...then back to sleep for an hour and half...and they the cycle would start all over again... (FH works nights so it was just me) I wasn't getting enough REM sleep...I fell asleep driving to work one morning and knew that I had to stop pumping...or I would end up killing myself.
I wish I had a nicer story to share...but I think that being able to give my son breast milk for what ever time I was capable of doing so was the best thing for him...especially since he was a preemie

Posted 5/31/05 9:01 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

I breastfed for one year and I am so happy I did. I never once thought or felt as if I shouldn't have. sure, I heard a lot of comments, but I ignored them. I wanted it for me and my baby and to tell the truth, it got so much easier as time went on. And when I weaned him, I was sad because it went so easily, not like the people who told me he'd be at my boob until he was 5!

Posted 5/31/05 9:15 PM

I'm getting old

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Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

I breastfed Emma till she was 2 1/2 and Jeremys working on 4 1/2 months. IMO and just MO I dont know why people would bottle feed on the conveience of breastfeeding alone. People are going to have comments for everything just believe in your decision, any decision you make is whats best for you and your family.

Posted 5/31/05 9:22 PM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

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Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

I breastfed Jordan until he was a year and I intend to do so with Mallory also. I always thought it was the best thing for them, it's also very convenient and it's an excellent bond to have with your little baby. I almost stopped just because the first week I was a little sore and I had a breast infection (with both kids) but I'm glad that I kept it up it was one of my best decisions - and it's totally a personal decision that everyone has to make.

eta - I have not had a problem with the breastfeeding in public thing also...

Message edited 5/31/2005 9:44:53 PM.

Posted 5/31/05 9:44 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

Thanks ladies!! It's such a natural thing, I can't believe people would make comments. I know it can be tiring and sometimes maybe inconvenient, but I want to with all my heart...

Posted 6/1/05 9:04 AM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

Posted by jcndd

Thanks ladies!! It's such a natural thing, I can't believe people would make comments. I know it can be tiring and sometimes maybe inconvenient, but I want to with all my heart...

I don't think it's inconvenient - it's actually quite the opposite - you don't have the hassle of bottles (making them, heating them, cleaning them, etc.) and I would imagine that being out and about and having to heat up a bottle is difficult (just guessing). Boobs are always there and always ready Chat Icon I've also found that it's very calming for my kids, especially after having shots or if they are just overtired etc, because of the closeness to you.Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/05 9:13 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

I have been BF Claire for almost 6 months now and I am so happy I have stuck with it. It is such a rewarding bonding experience and has actually been very convenient. I didn't have much support from family who all thought bottles are better, (DH supported me thou) but they have quieted down since they have realized that we are sticking with BF. I found the first 4-6 weeks to be the hardest because of soreness and constant feeding, but it does get easier. I went back to work at 3 months and it is hard to pump all the time and balance everything else, but I would not trade the experience of it for anything. I have BF in public and have never gotten any negative comments. Good Luck!

Posted 6/1/05 9:32 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

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Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

I breastfed Caiden for a year too. At first I didn't want to, but my DH want insisting that I do because it's the best thing for him. Well, I did and thought I was only going to do it for 6 months, but that came and went and then it was a year. At that point I thought it was enough mainly because I was making enough for him and he was old enough he didn't need it anymore and also because I got uncomfortable when he would lay down in my lap and lift my shirt up to eat! Chat Icon It was funny but at the same time I thought he was getting too old for it. JMO! Chat Icon

My son did go to daycare when he was 6 weeks old, and I went during lunch to nurse him everyday and pumped twice a day too for his bottles for school. I worked FT since he was 6 weeks old and I'm still working FT.

It was a lot of work, but it was for my baby! Chat Icon

Good luck!

Posted 6/1/05 9:40 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

I had ALL of the nasayers in my family tell me that "breastfeeding just doesn't work out for most women"Chat Icon Not one of them even cared how important is was to me or my child's health (IMO). Well, when the ped at the hospital forced me into formula feeding (long story) I just gave up and my family was HAPPY!Chat Icon But I cried and cried and everytime I saw that formula I felt worse.

I got home from the hospital the next day and felt helpless and hopeless about bfing and immediately called a professional lacation consultant. With her help I was able to get my milk supply corrected thru pumping. And while Molly never latched againChat Icon I did give her bm for 1 full year through pumping. I actually educated soo many family/friends on a women's ability to produce enough milk for her child. Now my sister thinks bfing is a great idea for her in the future.

I have NOT one regret! Even though things did not work with latching I did what I felt was best for my baby during that year. yes, it was hard but worth every minute.

If you ever need ANY support let me know. Feeling like you are alone in it is the worst feeling ever. Remember that bfing is done ALL OVER THE WORLD and has been done for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. It is not a new "idea". It can be done by nearly every single women. Trust in your body and yourself and it will work out. If you need help, get it and those who are unsupportive....tell them to get lost!

Posted 6/1/05 11:48 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 5/05

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Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

I nursed my first one for a year, I now have the second he is a year, I am trying to wean him (he is not cooperating). I firmly believe (although am fully aware it is a personal decision, and I dont judge those who don't breastfeed) that when you bring a child in to this world they deserve the BEST. For me breat milk was best, I say if you can do it, do it. I did it, I have two wonderful, incredibly brilliant children. With the world today and all the diseases and obesity issues, their immune system deserves a super boost. Of all my family and friends I had only two who supported my efforts. It was well worth it and would do it again and again. My mother in law spent the first two months saying maybe he needs formula maybe he needs formula. Mind you by three months he was 17 pounds on breast milk alone. You do what works best for you and the baby, fooey on the rest.

Posted 6/1/05 1:51 PM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

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Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

I breastfed for 9 weeks. It was exhausting because Andrew ate every 1 1/2 hours. He was colicky and just when I had calmed him down a little it seemed like it was time to eat again.

At 9 weeks, I ran into a problem where I had to temporarily stop and give him formula in a bottle, but when I saw how much more satisfied he seemed I never went back to breastfeeding. He immediately went 3-4 hours between feedings and slept more and just seemed happier so I didn't want to jinx things.

I think its great if it works for you and you find it rewarding. I cried and missed it terribly in the beginning, but I got over it...

Posted 6/1/05 4:16 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

i breastfed anthony for 6 months and loved every minute of it. i have never wished i never did. i actually wish I would of done it longer. not only for his benefit but it was so easy to just pick up and go somewhere without having to pack bottles. every where I went I had a supply of food with me. it was very tough in the beginning with the late night feedings and all but you will get used to it! good luck!

Posted 6/1/05 4:43 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: ? for the moms who breastfed

Thank you all for your honest opinions!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/2/05 8:26 PM

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