I understand that the sales haven't been rolling in lately. I also understand that we work in a 2 person company- and we wear many hats and that oftentimes you gotta take one for the greater good. I also appreciate your new effort of actually stepping up to the plate and DOING something to grow your business- like the creation of the website? Wow- it's amazing.
I've noticed you've been doing more than just checking CNN and complaining about Bush and Conde Rice- you've been making sales calls. Thank God the sales growth of the company no longer rests on my shoulders.
However- why o why do I have to stay here until 6 on Fridays? I understand Monday-Thursday. But NO ONE IS WORKING after 5 on Fridays- I cannot even call factories and get quotes. They are closed. All the workers are home! It doesn't make me feel better that you left at 4.30 to visit a friend's baby and left me sitting here.
you blow.