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go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

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My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

you can NOT say...

giving birth
meeting your SO
getting married or getting engaged (dont trick me!)

bwahahaha give us another random day that you would love to do all over again and why : )

Posted 12/29/05 9:55 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

I have a few days I'd like to go back to change but they aren't random they're specific:

Dec 27th 1995 - i broke someone's heart.
Dec 28th 2000- tell a friend not to get in a car.
June 15th 2003 - tell my husband to forget filling out hospital papers so he could've seen Maddie being born.

Posted 12/29/05 10:16 AM


Member since 5/05

4646 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

A good day I would live over again....The day we were leaving Cancun (before we were engagaed) and Joe said to me "I know I want to marry you." Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 12/29/2005 10:24:15 AM.

Posted 12/29/05 10:17 AM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

I would have went down to Florida with my mother and saw my grandmother one last time before she died.

Posted 12/29/05 10:19 AM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

Ok...I have a few Random days:

Oct. 1998 when I broke up w/ my ex after a few years, I wish I could have said so much more to have closure.

April '04-Disney...I wish I coulr relive that over & over

1993-The day I lost my V...I'd take that all back! Chat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 10:20 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

As painful as it would be, I think I would relieve every one of my breakups and be a stronger person while it was happening.. to truly put closure on all those situations rather than walk away scarred and hurt Chat Icon

On a positive note.. I would relive every single day of my trips to Greece and Italy with my girlfriends.. some of the best times of my life!!! (ok I'll leave out the flings with Greek and Italian boys Chat Icon)

Posted 12/29/05 10:23 AM

I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05

5150 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

Actually just one random day when DH and I were first dating - it was a blizzard in 2000, I think. We both had off from work and went to Central Park and played in the snow all day Chat Icon Then we came home and had dinner and ended up at a nice cozy bar at the end of the day. We laughed so much that day, it was truly one of the most fun days of my entire life!

Posted 12/29/05 10:24 AM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

12023 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

On a positive note.. I would relive every single day of my trips to Greece and Italy with my girlfriends.. some of the best times of my life!!! (ok I'll leave out the flings with Greek and Italian boys Chat Icon)

What happened in Europe....stays in Europe!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 10:25 AM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

2650 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

January 9, 2005- the day I lost someone's trust....I wish I could take it all back

December 28, 1991-I wish we had taken an earlier flight so that we could have seen my grandmother before she died.

Posted 12/29/05 10:25 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

The day my parents dropped me off at college for the first time ever....I'd redo the whole thing - with a MUCH better attitude. I'd probably have a CAREER now, not some parttime job while still plugging through school. Chat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 10:25 AM

Should be working

Member since 5/05

2824 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

Any day my great Aunt Kate, Alice, or Unle Pat were aliveChat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 10:25 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

I would have given away my closing shift and booked it before the animals with guns came in.

Posted 12/29/05 10:28 AM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

Posted by LadyLainez

On a positive note.. I would relive every single day of my trips to Greece and Italy with my girlfriends.. some of the best times of my life!!! (ok I'll leave out the flings with Greek and Italian boys Chat Icon)

What happened in Europe....stays in Europe!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Exactly!! Chat Icon
Chat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 10:33 AM

How did you get blue eyes?

Member since 11/05

3763 total posts

LC's Mommy

Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

Posted by Janice

I would have given away my closing shift and booked it before the animals with guns came in.

What happened?

Posted 12/29/05 10:38 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2961 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

July 7th 1995 - If I lived at home I would not have let my Dad get in the car.

Posted 12/29/05 10:40 AM


Member since 5/05

4230 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

when it was my sophomore year in high school and we were doing halloween story theatre. It was the first time a guy had liked me and we winded up dating for a few months. But I will never forget those butterflies and the excitement of that day.

Posted 12/29/05 11:38 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

2/14/96: I would have said NO to a first date with a guy who ended up being an abusive azzhole to me for the next 3.5 years.Chat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 11:42 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

The day I started to date someone after my ex-bf went to the Marines. I'll always wonder what would have happened if we had stayed together. Now of course, don't get me wrong, had we not stopped dating I probably wouldn't have married DH- who I love more than anything in the world. But I'm still curious as to how things would have played out.

Posted 12/29/05 12:01 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

October 18, 2003 - car accident (it wasnt our fault but I cant help and think maybe if we left the house later nothing would have happend)

Posted 12/29/05 12:07 PM


Member since 5/05

5208 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

id like to go back in time and take away a day, that would be my wedding day...... If I change one thing in the past, I would NOT have gone through with it....

Posted 12/29/05 12:17 PM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

15857 total posts


Re: go back in time to one random day in ur life..and do it all over again...but..

4/16/00 - I would have cancelled my trip to Rochester if I knew that would be the last birthday my grandfather would celebrate.

Posted 12/29/05 12:18 PM

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