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What do you feed a 10 month old?

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Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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What do you feed a 10 month old?

Justin will be 10 months on the 9th and I was wondering what you feed a baby this age.
I think he should be eating stage 3 and starting table food but he is not a big fan of the stage 3 foods. Any ideas on table food that would be appropriate?

He likes organic plain yogurt. I add it to his fruit in the morning.
He will eat Cheerios
I gave him Pizza crusts and he seemed to like it.
He has veggies off our plate. My doctor recommended pastina.

Posted 2/2/06 2:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: What do you feed a 10 month old?

Mallory loved loved sweet potatos.. I would cook a whole one in the microwave for about 7 minutes and then cut it up so she could pick it up, and it was nice an mushy so I didn't have to worry about choking.

Posted 2/2/06 3:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: What do you feed a 10 month old?

I was going to post the same question today! My daughter will be 10 months on the 11th. I need ideas, I also need to cut out a bottle somewhere. Grace will not eat the stage 3 dinners. Only the fruit and vegetables which are just bigger sizes than the stage 2. I have been giving her mashed potatoes which I puree with broccoli, she LOVES macaroni and cheese (Kraft), my DH always gives her bread with cheese. He presses it flat together and breaks it into pieces. I tried the pastina but she spit it out. I need to try that again. I also give her YoBaby yogurt and cottage cheese. I bought the mini pancakes and waffles. She will eat a little of it,but not enough that I'm satisfied that she's had enough. Just a few things I have tried.

Posted 2/2/06 3:34 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: What do you feed a 10 month old?

My baby just turned a year and he is just really getting into table foods. My dr was very conservative and even at my 10 (almost 11 month visit) didn't push it so neither did I but now that he has the taste - he is avoiding baby food. At my 10 mo visit, I was told any soft mushy foods are fine.

So far I have tried:
end of Italian bread
zwieback toast,
all kinds of teething biscuits,
wagon wheels (I need to cut up)
cheese of any kind,
chopped carrots,
chopped fruits,
mac and cheese,
pasta sprinkled with grated cheese
cut up mini pancakes
ground beef
chopped up pork or roast beef (he loves meats)
birthdy cake - lol - he loved that one
ice cream
ricotta cheese
pastina (he throws this up even if I mix with his stage 2 fruit or veggies)
masked potatoes (my dr said ok to this at 6 months)
cottage cheese
scrambled yolk (at 10mos) and now whole egg
peeled cut up grapes

My son never liked the stage 3 foods - he would eat some and then puke it up.

Message edited 2/2/2006 4:12:06 PM.

Posted 2/2/06 4:11 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you feed a 10 month old?

John refuses baby food, will not look at stage 3 meals, but will eat the table time food. He seems to really like that.

Breakfast usually consists of 2 mini pancakes (or mini waffels or scrambled eggs etc), yogurt and fruit (bananas and grapes, cut up of course are his favs)

For lunch if he doesnt get the table time meals I will make him chicken noodle soup (low sodium) or chicken nuggets (not the store bought ones, I'll make my own and bake instead of fry) grilled cheese, pastina, spaghettio's, for dessert it will be puffs and fruit
Dinner he eats what we eat, grilled chicken, pasta, steak, stew, pizza and will get yogurt and a banana cookie for snack.

He loves pretty much niecys entire list lol

Posted 2/2/06 4:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1636 total posts


Re: What do you feed a 10 month old?


How many teeth does your little man have? Also, if you don't mind me asking, how many bottles and ounces of formula do you give him. I need to cut out a bottle and I'm trying to figure out when is the best time. TIA.

Posted 2/2/06 4:50 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you feed a 10 month old?

4, 2 on top 2 on bottom. I only give him a bottle after breakfast and 1 before bedtime, a total of 12 oz a day.

Posted 2/2/06 4:57 PM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: What do you feed a 10 month old?

I was wondering this as well. Alex has no teeth yet and I try to give him whatever I am eating because he seems so interested. He really likes pasta and sauce or with cheese, cheese, yoghurt, veggies. I want to start trying mini-pancakes and other breakfast type foods as well.

Posted 2/2/06 6:54 PM

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