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Building up a lost milk supply... help needed *UPDATED*

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Member since 5/05

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Building up a lost milk supply... help needed *UPDATED*

On June 1st, when my daughter was only 3 weeks old, I ended up in the hospital with severe dehydration and a high fever. Tests showed I had an enlarged and infected kidney (which may or may not be realted to giving birth). Anyhow, I ended up in the hospital for 1 week, and in that time, pumping did not produce any milk. I was so dehydrated, it was a wonder I fed her for 2 days before I ended up hospitalized. Anyway, I am on powerful antibiotics for 2 weeks and was told no BF. Plus, I have to wait 2 weeks after I finish the meds before I can BF. That's more than a month of not BF.

I am not a good formula feeding mommy - much too much work! I would like to get my milk supply back, but I'm wondering after 13 days (so far) of not pumping, is it even possible to get it back? I have a Medela PISA pump, but I don't even want to start pumping if the end result will be little to no milk. What can I do to build up my milk supply?

Lauren is doing great on formula, thankfully, but its just hard on me not to be able to BF. IMO, its so much easier, but I will be OK if I can't build up my supply.

What are your thoughts? TIA.

6/14/2006 UPDATE
So I started pumping today and I am happy to report that I actually got milk - a total of 2 oz. so I am very HAPPY. Of course it'll be a few weeks before I can feed it to her (once the meds are out of my system), but its a start and I will stick with pumping a few times a day to see how much my supply will come back.

Message edited 6/14/2006 1:26:40 PM.

Posted 6/13/06 5:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed

Trish, Im no expert in this area, but just wanted to send you some hugs Chat Icon Chat Icon

I hope youre feeling better and Im sure your sweet baby girl is fine either way! Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/06 6:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed

You know I've been thinking a lot about you.

I'm sure it's possible. People that adopt, who've never been pregnant, are able to produce BM. I know it will be a lot of work, but you have to do what you are comfortable with! Either way, you are a great mommy and she will still be healthy and happy FF.

You would probably need fengreek, lots of oatmeal, water, and a day (at least) of constant nursing. I have an SNS system (I got it when I had Gabriella), if you want it, I can drop it by your place once I get in town. This allows you to FF and nurse at the same time. I'm also finding a possible drug that could help via prescript.

Check out this site!

Posted 6/13/06 8:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed

I posted for you in another place but of course you can try!! Adoptive moms can breastfeed so with some work you can probably get your supply up and running again.Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/06 9:27 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed

Thanks! I am goign to give it a try. The support is really appreciated.

Posted 6/13/06 11:15 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed

I was wondering where you were! I'm glad you're ok.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I would nurse out of one breast & pump out of the other and then switch. I did this for Maddie so I can double my milk supply. I also drank fennel tea.

Posted 6/13/06 11:24 PM

Say Cheese!

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed

Posted by michele31
Adoptive moms can breastfeed so with some work you can probably get your supply up and running again.Chat Icon

wouldn't that be a comletely diffirent issue though? Women who adapt have to take hormons in order to lactate. Hopefully it will not come to that for Trish.Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/06 11:29 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed

Oh Trish.... I was thinking about you!

I have no expertise to offer in building supply, but I want to say I hope you are feeling better and on the road to recovery. A week in the hospital! OMG You must have some support system!

So can you pump for a month and dispose of the BM to build your supply until the antibiotics are out of your system? I guess it seems like double work FF and pumping but if its only for a month and will build your supply....

And in the end if it has to be FF... just as with a little effort BF comes easy and convenient, so will FF - you just have to get used to a new system.

Chat Icon

Message edited 6/13/2006 11:33:35 PM.

Posted 6/13/06 11:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed

Posted by WhatNow

Posted by michele31
Adoptive moms can breastfeed so with some work you can probably get your supply up and running again.Chat Icon

wouldn't that be a comletely diffirent issue though? Women who adapt have to take hormons in order to lactate. Hopefully it will not come to that for Trish.Chat Icon

Not necessarily. It depends on the body and different things involved. Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/06 11:32 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed *UPDATED*

bumping to give update.

Posted 6/14/06 1:27 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed *UPDATED*

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Posted 6/14/06 1:36 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

4852 total posts


Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed *UPDATED*

That is great new TrishChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 1:48 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

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Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed *UPDATED*

That is great news Trish, I am happy to hear that you are making some progress, I know how disheartening it can be that you couldn't bf, so there is hope on the horizon. Here is to continued success!!

Posted 6/15/06 1:46 PM


Member since 10/05

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Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed *UPDATED*

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Posted 6/15/06 3:15 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

220 total posts


Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed *UPDATED*

Trish I had a similar problem when I had Andrew. When Andrew was 3 mths old I got Lyme's disease. I was placed on wicked antibiotics for 3 wks. I had to pump and dump which SUCKED but I was able to maintain a milk supply not much but it was something. Then when I was able to nurse him again things did go back to semi-normal he did need the occassional supplemental bottle.

Posted 6/15/06 11:25 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Building up a lost milk supply... help needed *UPDATED*

I think your best bet would be to rent a hospital pump for a month to get your supply going and put Lauren to your breast as often as you can to stimulate milk production then offer her bottles after.
Good Luck! Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 12:49 AM

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