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What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

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Member since 6/06

4563 total posts


What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

I have a friend who I would like to throw a sorta kinda 2nd baby shower for.

It was before she was married and it was a last second thrown together thing in her moms house. Since it was last second and in her moms small house it wasn't many people - a few friends and her side of the family not her (now) DHs.

So for her DH's side of the family who never knew about the shower it will be a first. For her side it will be her second.

Do you think this is tacky? I just really wanted to help give my friend the shower she deserved.

Also any great ideas for it? I will be going all out

Posted 6/27/06 2:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

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Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

how old is her first child?

Posted 6/27/06 2:21 PM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Not tacky at all!

Posted 6/27/06 2:23 PM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Posted by BrunetteMom

how old is her first child?

i was going to ask the same thing, if her first child is 4 or older, i say go for the 2nd shower, if he or she is any younger, im not for it, thats jmo. everyone is different. but congrats to your friendChat Icon

Posted 6/27/06 2:23 PM


Member since 6/06

4563 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Posted by twobabies

Posted by BrunetteMom

how old is her first child?

i was going to ask the same thing, if her first child is 4 or older, i say go for the 2nd shower, if he or she is any younger, im not for it, thats jmo. everyone is different. but congrats to your friendChat Icon

Her first child is 4 years old.

Posted 6/27/06 2:27 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Its just my personal opinion but I am not fond of the idea. I never really heard of it but I would personally feel uncomfortable having one. I like the celebration idea but I think people have all kinds of opinions re: 2cnd baby showers. I wouldnt need the stress of everyones opinion.

Posted 6/27/06 2:27 PM


Member since 7/05

9662 total posts

Mrs. Honeybee

Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Posted by MABLE03

Posted by twobabies

Posted by BrunetteMom

how old is her first child?

i was going to ask the same thing, if her first child is 4 or older, i say go for the 2nd shower, if he or she is any younger, im not for it, thats jmo. everyone is different. but congrats to your friendChat Icon

Her first child is 4 years old.

go for the shower then, have fun planningChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/27/06 2:28 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

I thikn given that it's been 4 years since her last shower, and not many people were even invited to that one, you should be fine hosting her a shower now. I'm sure a lot of the stuff she has from the first baby is probably too dated to even use. I'm sure people would love to "shower" her with gifts and good wishes.

Posted 6/27/06 2:34 PM


Member since 6/06

4563 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Posted by nferrandi

I thikn given that it's been 4 years since her last shower, and not many people were even invited to that one, you should be fine hosting her a shower now. I'm sure a lot of the stuff she has from the first baby is probably too dated to even use. I'm sure people would love to "shower" her with gifts and good wishes.

Thanks everyone!! I know she was really upset that a big deal wasn't made over the first baby ... her mom wound up throwing together a last min. shower when she finally got a clue.. it was less then a week before her due date... no invitations just calling everyone up, I don't even think there was a cake.

She goes above and beyond for everyone else always doing thoughtful things, buying great gifts for everyone else, thowing everyone else's showers... she just really deserves this! Chat Icon

I was just worried what everyone else would have to say... I know when your PG thats the last thing you need.. stress b/c people are talking bad about youChat Icon

Posted 6/27/06 2:55 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Posted by MABLE03

Posted by twobabies

Posted by BrunetteMom

how old is her first child?

i was going to ask the same thing, if her first child is 4 or older, i say go for the 2nd shower, if he or she is any younger, im not for it, thats jmo. everyone is different. but congrats to your friendChat Icon

Her first child is 4 years old.

It's been 4 yrs and her DH wasnt even in the pic last time...I say GO AHEAD!!!

Posted 6/27/06 2:59 PM


Member since 6/06

4563 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Posted by MrsJ

Posted by MABLE03

Posted by twobabies

Posted by BrunetteMom

how old is her first child?

i was going to ask the same thing, if her first child is 4 or older, i say go for the 2nd shower, if he or she is any younger, im not for it, thats jmo. everyone is different. but congrats to your friendChat Icon

Her first child is 4 years old.

It's been 4 yrs and her DH wasnt even in the pic last time...I say GO AHEAD!!!

No her DH was in the pic.. it was his baby but they werent married. His side (besides his mom and sisters) were not invited b/c her moms house was to small plus his mom was really upset about the whole thingChat Icon

Posted 6/27/06 3:01 PM

Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05

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Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

i think its ok. her 1st child is older now and if its DH's first, its perfectly fine.

Posted 6/27/06 3:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/05

1390 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

hmmm tricky. Do you think it would stir up bad memories between the daughter and her MIL?

I understand why you want to give her a real shower and do for her what she has done for others etc, but I'm leaning towards the idea that she missed her chance on the shower. I know it's sad, but it just seems like sticky situation.

Posted 6/27/06 3:29 PM


Member since 6/06

4563 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Posted by bethsiar

hmmm tricky. Do you think it would stir up bad memories between the daughter and her MIL?

I understand why you want to give her a real shower and do for her what she has done for others etc, but I'm leaning towards the idea that she missed her chance on the shower. I know it's sad, but it just seems like sticky situation.

Well we spoke about it since the shower would not be a surprise ( how else would I get her to register Chat Icon ) and it all water under the bridge now. She and her MIL seem very close. She said her MIL actually feels bad about what happened the first time around.

Posted 6/27/06 3:31 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Posted by MABLE03

Posted by nferrandi

I thikn given that it's been 4 years since her last shower, and not many people were even invited to that one, you should be fine hosting her a shower now. I'm sure a lot of the stuff she has from the first baby is probably too dated to even use. I'm sure people would love to "shower" her with gifts and good wishes.

Thanks everyone!! I know she was really upset that a big deal wasn't made over the first baby ... her mom wound up throwing together a last min. shower when she finally got a clue.. it was less then a week before her due date... no invitations just calling everyone up, I don't even think there was a cake.

She goes above and beyond for everyone else always doing thoughtful things, buying great gifts for everyone else, thowing everyone else's showers... she just really deserves this! Chat Icon

I was just worried what everyone else would have to say... I know when your PG thats the last thing you need.. stress b/c people are talking bad about youChat Icon

I say go for it. Who cares what people think. If they don't like it, they won't come.

Posted 6/27/06 3:55 PM

Making big changes

Member since 5/05

16541 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Posted by nferrandi

I thikn given that it's been 4 years since her last shower, and not many people were even invited to that one, you should be fine hosting her a shower now. I'm sure a lot of the stuff she has from the first baby is probably too dated to even use. I'm sure people would love to "shower" her with gifts and good wishes.

I agree! Chat Icon

Posted 6/27/06 3:58 PM

My guys

Member since 5/06

2173 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Go for it! This is sooo nice of you!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/27/06 8:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

Posted by MABLE03

Posted by twobabies

Posted by BrunetteMom

how old is her first child?

i was going to ask the same thing, if her first child is 4 or older, i say go for the 2nd shower, if he or she is any younger, im not for it, thats jmo. everyone is different. but congrats to your friendChat Icon

Her first child is 4 years old.

Then go for it!

BTW, I think it's really sweet that you are doing this for her!

Posted 6/28/06 8:41 AM

Love my Babes

Member since 8/05

5889 total posts


Re: What do you think of a "Second baby shower" aka A sprinkle

I think its a nice idea and im sure the Mother-to-be will really appreciate it. It makes you feel special for a day. My dd will be almost 7 by the time we have another one, and i think it would be really nice to have a small shower or sprinkle.

Posted 6/28/06 8:44 AM

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