Who needs soap operas when you can work in my office
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Member since 5/05 9674 total posts
Name: Mel
Who needs soap operas when you can work in my office
Drama just doesnt get any better then my office.
A few weeks ago we were all merged into one. Yea it upset me and how they did it ticked me off but I coped and actually really excited about a couple of the big things I am working on and keeping my fingers tightly crossed that the huge group that I am working on I get to go on that cruise. (it was originally 400 cabins we're now looking at 500 cabins on the Norwegian Pearl. It's a brand new ship that makes her debut on Christmas) My boss is kissing a lot of butt to let me go on that cruise since I am working on it.
In that smushing of departments one person was told she is going back to CS. She got so mad because she was in CS, whinned for months how she wanted to go into booking, finally moved her to booking and for 6 months could not get one booking done correctly. All her bookings combined couldnt even make one correct booking. She complained to everyone she could of how it was unfair. She felt she did no wrong, even though she was spoken too about it. In her defense she really didnt get the proper training, however she could have asked for help and she didnt. She "pretended" to know what she was doing and was screwing everything up.
So today I find out that the manager was inches from firing her because she refuses to answer any CS calls, told her boss well the booking agents need to help them out because she just cant get every call and why arent we assisting her with all her paperwork. She is throwing a hissy fit and acting extremely childish about what happened to her. She honestly refuses to do any CS work and was caught doing a booking when she was told not too. IT had to come and take away her software when she was on lunch.
The manager is furious. He literally was going to fire her. But her boss said give her a second chance, she's trying, she's all the help I have, yadda yadda yadda. So the manager said fine one more chance and thats it. I am fed up with her and her actions. I will dismiss her if she as much as says hell-o the wrong way.
So her boss was on warning that their will not be a next time for her. In a way I feel bad for her, but honestly she's doing it to herself.
ooohhh the drama in my office Who needs soap operas.....
Posted 5/10/06 7:54 PM |
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