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Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)Updated Thurs night!

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Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05

1610 total posts


Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)Updated Thurs night!

I still haven't gotten a visit from AF and didnt get a BFP this morning either. I do have a drs appt scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, because last cycle (3rd day) I had complete bloodwork done and everything was great and I actually o'd on CD 12. I am now on CD35 so 22dpo. I really dont want to go, my thinking is I have no other symptoms and have had no pos (like 3-4) preg tests so I am assuming that this is just a missed AF (which I have never had in my life, even when I wanted to skip a month using bcp it wouldn't work). I am not happy about this because I was suppose to start Clomid this cycle. My dh wants me to keep my drs appt and find out whats going on, I think leaving work early for this is a waste. I guess I just needed to vent, Sorry.

Baby Dust to all of You!!!!

P.S. You ladies are the only ones who know that we are even trying so I dont even have anyone to talk to except you, and I really appreciate that.

ETA: The drs office did a urine test and came back neg (surprise, surprise). So they did do a blood test and I wont have the results until Mon or Tues (Ugh!!!). What my dr said was (I dont know about this so I will be researching this) that the last time I was in 3 wks ago, he had given me one dose of antibiotic for a uti (cream that I insert) and that may have interferred with my visit from AF, except Itried to explain to him that not even taking bcp would stop af. Ill keep you posted and as usual thank you for all your support and thoughts.

Message edited 12/1/2005 8:56:12 PM.

Posted 11/30/05 11:37 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

754 total posts


Re: Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)

Sorry about this Jaimie...very frustrating.

I personally would just go to the appt because then they can confirm whether or not you are pg and if not probably give you something to bring on af.

Hang in there and try not to worry about it...everything will work out for you.

Posted 11/30/05 11:48 AM

Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05

4919 total posts


Re: Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)

I ws just going to give you the same advice as KAt813-
I would go to the DR and see what is going on.

THis whole process is so frustrating but will be worth it in the long run.

Honestly, sometimes it feel like we are all on a rollercoaster but just keep the faith - we are all here for you
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Posted 11/30/05 11:57 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)

I would definitely go tomorrow. I would get a beta done, and a p4 test. A beta is the quantatative pregnancy test and the p4 is progesterone. Both those tests are going to reveal what's going on. If your beta somehow comes back negative, I would ask for a u/s to see if there are any cysts.

I am not sure if you have a copy of your cd3 blood results, but I am curious what they tested you for. Cd3, bloodtests, really don't indicate whether you will ovulate , just that you probably have the capacity to do so or will be able to respond to meds.

I can't say this too much. Whenever you get blood work done...always always always, get the exact results. Please don't take "normal results" as an answer.

Posted 11/30/05 12:13 PM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

1714 total posts


Re: Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)

Just wanted to give someChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/30/05 12:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

1042 total posts


Re: Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)

stay positive and much baby dust to youChat Icon

Posted 11/30/05 2:37 PM

My twins are one!!!

Member since 5/05

2540 total posts


Re: Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)

I am sorry your going through this... I would go to the doctors just to be 100% sure either way.

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Posted 11/30/05 2:46 PM

Little Angel

Member since 10/05

1745 total posts


Re: Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)

Baby dust to you!! Chat Icon

Posted 11/30/05 3:26 PM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

1536 total posts


Re: Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)

Good Luck, praying that you are PG!!

Posted 11/30/05 4:19 PM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

20046 total posts

Gerty ®

Re: Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)

Good luck tomorrow (definitely go) and I will be anxiously awaiting to hear what happened.

Posted 11/30/05 11:30 PM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

1714 total posts


Re: Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)Updated Thurs night!

Sorry you still don't have an answer!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to you in waiting for your blood work

Posted 12/2/05 9:09 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: Ok, so I need to vent a little (sorry)Updated Thurs night!

Good luck at the doctors appt.Please keep us posted. Baby dust!

Posted 12/3/05 9:53 AM

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