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help and suggestions

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LIF Infant

Member since 9/06

209 total posts


help and suggestions

So we have been trying for 2 months... this past week I have had cramping, heaaches, been tired, etc. So I thought just this morning on day 28 I took the leap and took a HPT - and as I took the test I got AF....

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So here's my question: I have been using an OPK from the beginning.... what other suggestions do you ladies have.

What helped you or a friend get pregnant? any tips?

Is it a good idea to visit my OBGYN after month 3 if still nothing...?

Posted 9/19/06 5:59 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Hoping, wishing, waiting....

Member since 8/06

1418 total posts


Re: help and suggestions

Posted by yankee

So we have been trying for 2 months... this past week I have had cramping, heaaches, been tired, etc. So I thought just this morning on day 28 I took the leap and took a HPT - and as I took the test I got AF....

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So here's my question: I have been using an OPK from the beginning.... what other suggestions do you ladies have.

What helped you or a friend get pregnant? any tips?

Is it a good idea to visit my OBGYN after month 3 if still nothing...?

I am going on my third month trying too, I also have been using the OPK's and I also temp, but thats not really helping because my temps are all over the place, I would also love to know what else I can be doing....

Posted 9/19/06 6:50 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1562 total posts


Re: help and suggestions

Using the OPK and taking your BBT are both good ways to get a sense of when you're ovulating and maybe alert you if things aren't the way they should be.

I think an appointment with your ob/gyn is a good idea. Let him/her know that you've been trying and give them the info on cycle length/temps/etc.

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Posted 9/19/06 7:14 AM

Our prayers were answered:)

Member since 6/05

4919 total posts


Re: help and suggestions

Posted by MrsBSD

Using the OPK and taking your BBT are both good ways to get a sense of when you're ovulating and maybe alert you if things aren't the way they should be.

I think an appointment with your ob/gyn is a good idea. Let him/her know that you've been trying and give them the info on cycle length/temps/etc.

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I think that this is very good advice.
My dr initaily told me he was not concerned about me getting pregnant until we were trying for a year.
( that was based on age etc.)

I think it would be a good idea to just let your dr. know that you are ttc.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/06 8:24 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/06

209 total posts


Re: help and suggestions

thanks - I had seen my obgyn and told him we were to start TTC - he gave me prenatal vitamins said good luck. He said there was nothing else to do.

My cousin swears by accupuncture.

Posted 9/19/06 5:03 PM

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