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Green Tea Issue - May be of interest to a few of you Ladies -found on a website for fertility

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1185 total posts


Green Tea Issue - May be of interest to a few of you Ladies -found on a website for fertility

Hi Doctor!

I heard you on the radio doing an interview this weekend! It was very interesting.

A quick question I wanted to ask. I'm ttc and I do drink a few teas (red raspberry and green tea). I recently heard that green tea should not be used while you are ttc or pregnant. Is that true? I'm ttc now and do drink a small cup a day, typically in the morning.

Hope to hear from you!

TTC for # 2

My understanding is that green tea make contribute to the activation of NK cells. These cells are implicated in infertility.

Don't drink it while TTC.


mike berkley, L.Ac., Doctor of Acupuncture (RI)
Director, The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness

Posted 9/15/05 11:31 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Green Tea Issue - May be of interest to a few of you Ladies -found on a website for fertility

Actually Green Tea can supposedly increase your chanced of getting pregnant...but the caffine is not recommended (its very high in caffine). You can have decaf though.

Here's part of an article I found online if anyone is interested.

Herbal Teas and Fertility: From Green Tea to Vitex

There is no one herb or herbal ingredient that makes a tea a fertilitea. In fact, there are several herbs and herbal combinations that may promote fertility and increase the chances of successfully conceiving. Even mildly caffeinated Green Tea has been shown to increase the odds of pregnancy. The nutritive and fertility enhancing components of green tea are likely attributable to polyphenols, compounds rich in antioxidants. Curiously, according to one study, even a tad bit of green tea caffeine seems to increase the odds of conceiving (but, alas, caffeine as fertility supplement cannot be generalized to coffee drinking).

Posted 9/15/05 12:16 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

733 total posts


Re: Green Tea Issue - May be of interest to a few of you Ladies -found on a website for fertility

Sometimes I feel like no one really knows the answers to this stuff! (not you ladies of coarse)

Do you ever feel like it's so hard for us (those ttc for a while) meanwhile back in the day women would sneeze and have 10 kids! LOL

They ate EVERYthing and lived for years and years and made many many babies.

Now a days I read something new everyday on what NOT to do, NOT to eat when TTC/prego...

Wouldn't just be nice if we can eat EVERYTHING, drink EVERYTHING have lots and lots of healthy babies and lose the weight an hour after giving birth???

OH- a girl can dream can't she?? Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/05 2:00 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Green Tea Issue - May be of interest to a few of you Ladies -found on a website for fertility

Oh good b/c I like my green tea here and there! Its so true- my mom never had to worry about the things we do today!!!

Posted 9/16/05 11:33 AM

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