Thanks girls. I got home about 12 and since the discharge form said I should "pamper myself" I have been letting DH do it. He just left for a few minutes so I could sneak out of bed to come on here.
They thawed both of my embies and I as I expected only one survived. Of course I am thrilled that at least one survived because I have been preparing to come back and write about the shortest 2WW ever. The one that survived was fair quality when it was frozen and the good thing is he said it thawed very well and looks exactly like it did going in. So I am hoping this is my fighter. Dr. Scoll did my transfer , he has done one of my ER before but never my transfer and I am so happy with him as my doctor and really feel like he cares if I get PG. I hope this different cycle (frozen, less meds, less hope and Dr. Scholl doing the transfer) is what I need. PS- He told me I share a birthday with his dad. A few years apart of course.
Anyway I am going to try and spend the next 12 days being cautiosly optimistic. Statistically chances are much less, but heck I failed when I had great chances. So who knows.
Anyway thanks for all the and .
I cant wait to see all the happy people that leave this 2WW.