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at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

at least that I realize....I've had a few moments where I felt like I had butterflies in my tummy like when you get nervous about something, but I'm not sure that's it.

Posted 8/16/05 1:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Ray of sunshine

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Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

It should be any day now. I felt my little one early but i would lay on my back at around 23 weeks and watch her swim around. It is really cool for your dh to see. Best of luck and i am sure it is going to be really soon. It could be where she is positioned that is making it hard to feel her.

Posted 8/16/05 1:17 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

thanks Sarah (hope you're feeling well BTW).

When I lay on my back, one side of my abdomen feels harder than the she may be laying more to my right side than in the middle or left of my belly button.....

We go to the DR on Mon for our 20 wk U/S so when I see she's fine, I'll feel better

Posted 8/16/05 1:19 PM


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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

Don't worry, I didn't really feel much until 23-24 weeks. But I would assume those little flutters are the baby, and as time goes on it gets stronger and stronger.

Posted 8/16/05 2:06 PM


Member since 5/05

3753 total posts


Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

Don't worry - with my first pregnancy I didn't feel her until 24 weeks. I still remember the first time I felt it - I was laying down in bed at like 11 at night and felt this kicking and freaked out - scared the s**t out of my hubby LOL!!!!

This time I felt it a bit earlier but only now at 23.5 weeks am I really feeling him.

Posted 8/16/05 2:35 PM

baby boy coming spring '11

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Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

I've never been pg, but I've asked mom, and sis what it feels like, and they both described it as butterfly flutters!

Posted 8/16/05 3:59 PM

Making big changes

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Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

That's exactly why I ended up renting the doppler. Christopher didn't move around too much in the beginning and it always made me SO nervous. You'll feel her soon enough! Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/05 4:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

Try not to worry - Feeling butterflies is how I felt when I first started to feel the baby move.

Posted 8/16/05 4:12 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

23-24 weeks is when I was clearly able to tell the feelings inside were the baby.

Posted 8/16/05 4:40 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

If you're feeling butterflies, you're feeling her! Don't worry, there were days and days when I couldn't feel a thing, and then all of a sudden out of nowhere I felt a flurry of activity... it's not usually routine until a little later onChat Icon

Posted 8/16/05 4:44 PM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

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Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

it always reminded me of a little fish swimming around (what i think a fish would feel like)

Posted 8/16/05 4:49 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

From 18-22 weeks I only felt it a few times. More fluttering then anything. I actually didnt feel a real kick or movement that I KNEW was the baby till around 25-26 weeks...

Posted 8/16/05 7:46 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

It too me to about 22 weeks and by 24 weeks I had definite moves that there was no way to mistake if it was baby or not.

Posted 8/16/05 9:16 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

The first time I felt the flutters...I think I was 17-18 weeks...

Then I would go days without feeling a thing... (which would make me question whether or not those flutters were baby or just indigestion)

Then shortly after my 20 week sono... I felt him more and more..

Now tonight while my dr. is trying to hear his heartbeat she says...You have a REALLY active baby huh???

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Posted 8/16/05 9:21 PM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

Don't worry, this is my 1st pregnancy too and I didn't feel Chat Icon him until week 22 and on. Now he is always kicking away in there. It will happen, just give it time. Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/05 11:07 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

I didn't feel anything until 22 weeks. Now I am 25 weeks and it is all day long! She will be moving around before you know iT! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/05 11:10 AM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

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Re: at 20 weeks....I don't think I've felt her move

Shana I didn't feel DD until very late either. The first time I thought I felt her my best friend described it as feeling like there is a bug crawling across your belly. Honestly it depends on the position she is in. DD was in a hammock like position for most of my pregnancy so her kicks were into my pelvis bone. Then when she decided to sit up but stay in the hammock position I got PAINFUL kicks into my pelvis bone because she was pushing it out of alignment but what I got more often was head butts to the ribs! That wasn't fun. But I miss it now. Don't worry you will feel her soon.
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Posted 8/17/05 12:12 PM

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