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Did you stay within your normal pregnancy weight gain?

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Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

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2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

I weigh about 160 lbs and am about 5'5" - so I am overweight to begin with.

My doctors mentioned to try and not overindulge and gain more than 20 lbs throughout the rest of my pregnancy.....

I feel like 20 lbs is not going to be realistic for me......between the water gain, weight gain, baby - i just hope I can make it.

I don't want to stress but at the same time im just curious if everyone keep to their normal pregnancy weight range? Did you go over? below? Was your doctor overly concerned about it?

Message edited 8/12/2005 2:17:00 PM.

Posted 8/12/05 2:16 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

I gained 60 with each child and my docs were ok with it because my tests all came back fine and I was overall healthy.

Posted 8/12/05 2:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

I gained almost 50 pounds with my first...... Like Kptoys, my doctor wasn't concerned.

Posted 8/12/05 2:34 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

I am also overweight. And with both preganacys I lost weight in the beginnig. With my son I lost 14 lbs & then gained 23 lbs. With this pregnancy I have lost about 30 lbs & so far gained about 10

Posted 8/12/05 3:41 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

I started out at 135 and ended at 180. My doctor told me that I was gaining weight too fast...blah blah blah...The most important things were that the baby was healthy and so was I.

Next time...I'll hit the gym during my pregnancy...Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 3:49 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

Posted by Stefanie

I started out at 135 and ended at 180. My doctor told me that I was gaining weight too fast...blah blah blah...The most important things were that the baby was healthy and so was I.

Next time...I'll hit the gym during my pregnancy...Chat Icon

Looks like I'm right there with ya! I started at 135, and I'm already at 174 and I still have 5 or 6 weeks to go! Chat Icon BUT, I'm probably the healthiest eater on the planet, and up until this week I was walking an hour every night, so I really think it has nothing to do with the way I was eating/exercising, and MUCH more to do with genetics. I'm hoping for a VERY quick return to my pre-pregnancy weight!

Posted 8/12/05 4:01 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy? quick of a return would you like??Chat Icon I thought it was going to be quick...but it's not. I'm still wearing maternity jeans but regular tops. I also wore a girdle for the first month. I dropped to 145 in almost 2 months and I have 10 pounds that need to still come off.

I'm not complaining at all...that's a huge weight loss! It's just a struggle everyday to look at all of my cute clothes that I used to fit in and get depressed as I slide into my maternity capris. I'm not giving up...I'm going to the gym and I have a trainer for one of the days at the gym. Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 4:08 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

Posted by Stefanie quick of a return would you like??Chat Icon I thought it was going to be quick...but it's not. I'm still wearing maternity jeans but regular tops. I also wore a girdle for the first month. I dropped to 145 in almost 2 months and I have 10 pounds that need to still come off.

I'm not complaining at all...that's a huge weight loss! It's just a struggle everyday to look at all of my cute clothes that I used to fit in and get depressed as I slide into my maternity capris. I'm not giving up...I'm going to the gym and I have a trainer for one of the days at the gym. Chat Icon

Oy, can't I just live in fantasy land for a little while? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Before this pregnancy I was a workout FANATIC - about an hour everyday, five days a week. I'm really hoping that I can get back into a routine as soon as the Dr. gives me the ok... we'll see about that though! Chat Icon

Posted 8/12/05 4:38 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

If you are overweight, it's realistic to only gain 20lbs. I was and was up 23lbs the day before I went into labor. I think most of it was water bc I was so swollen towards the end.

Posted 8/12/05 4:58 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

AT my first OB appt, I weighed in at 150 and at 15 weeks I was 153. I know a year ago after my wedding, I was down to 138 or 135... I believe and usually hover around 140 or so.

I go again on Monday and I'll let you know how much more I've gained! But, yes, if you are overweight to begin with, dr's prefer you to not gain more than 20-25. I was considered normal (even though I feel I was overweight) and I'm allowed to gain 25-35 lbs.-

Posted 8/16/05 1:36 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

My numbers are very close to Stefanie's.
I went over the recommend weight gain too. And I was also told by my doctors that I was gaining too much too fast, etc... meanwhile - I was eating pretty healthy and I was still hitting the gym until I was about 4 - 5 months pg. Nevertheless, I gained more than I should have but I'm doing okay as far as bouncing back. I still have 20lbs left to lose at 6 weeks post partum. I'm just waiting for the go-ahead from the Dr (just 2 more days!) so that I can start working out.

Posted 8/17/05 5:31 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

I was overweight to begin with as well and here I am at the end of my pregnancy and I think I have gained somewhere between 25-30 pounds and they haven't said anything to me. Just do the best you can. I haven't gone hog wild just tried to be careful but I still gave into cravings. I try not to look at the scale every time.

Posted 8/17/05 9:31 AM

My Children

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

Don't listen to her. I just saw her for lunch and she looks great Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/05 1:45 PM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

Posted by nylisa

Don't listen to her. I just saw her for lunch and she looks great Chat Icon Chat Icon

Thanks Lisa, but i feel fat especially after indulging in our lunch at Tony's with penne al vodka and chicken marsala!! But it was good!Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/05 1:47 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy? about a belly pic????Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/05 9:08 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

581 total posts


Re: Pregnancy Weight Gain, Were you within the normal range at the end of the pregnancy?

I gained about 47 lbs. and my doctors harrassed me the entire pregnancy about my weight gain!! One of the Docs even suggested I take a spinning classChat Icon

Posted 8/18/05 9:27 AM

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