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LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06 583 total posts
Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
I was having this discussion with a friend. A freind of ours is pregnant and has a non- family wedding to go to about 5 wks after she's due and figures she'll justtake the baby with her. I didn't say anythign to her , but to my other friend I said"huh???" For a number of reasons , one of which is I don't think a wedding is an appropritae place for a 5 week old ( too many people, loud music , I still felt like crap at 5 wks, had ppd pretty bad and I don't think its fair to a newborn to make them try to sleep at a wedding reception) My friend disagreed with me. So now I am curious- would you take your 5 week old to a non family wedding ?
Posted 9/19/06 8:16 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Family of 5!
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Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
Me- no
But everyone is different...
My cousin just had a baby today (her 3rd)
And plans to come to my DS 1st b-day party on the 30th....
(And she lives 2hrs away)
She'll prob stay inside most of the time...
But felt we dont get to see eachother alot- and WANTS to come...
Now if the weather ends up being crappy or she dosent feel well.. Im sure that'll change- but as of right now... she'll be there!
Posted 9/19/06 8:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 934 total posts
Name: Me & My Sis back in the day!~~Jennifer
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
No I would not.The baby still hasn't had all their shots. Too many people - too loud -everyone will be asking to hold the baby. I agree w/ you . I would not bring the baby. Too little & there is no reason to bring the child except to be w/ the Mother - probably b/c she doesn't want to leave the baby for a couple of hours.
Posted 9/19/06 8:21 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 934 total posts
Name: Me & My Sis back in the day!~~Jennifer
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
Posted by Princessmaris
Me- no
But everyone is different...
My cousin just had a baby today (her 3rd)
And plans to come to my DS 1st b-day party on the 30th....
(And she lives 2hrs away)
She'll prob stay inside most of the time...
But felt we dont get to see eachother alot- and WANTS to come...
Now if the weather ends up being crappy or she dosent feel well.. Im sure that'll change- but as of right now... she'll be there!
Now that I can understand- that is your cousin and she can sit in the house - and there is a place for the baby to go in a quiet place if needed. And that is family. But at a non relative wedding. I wouldn't- But like you said everyone is different.
Posted 9/19/06 8:24 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06 583 total posts
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
It must be a regional thing, My friend is from New England... but everyone I've asked from L.I has said no. I won't say anythign to my friend. She'll make her own descision when the baby arrives.
Posted 9/19/06 8:26 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
Posted by jgm26
It must be a regional thing, My friend is from New England... but everyone I've asked from L.I has said no. I won't say anythign to my friend. She'll make her own descision when the baby arrives.
Yea I wouldnt say anything to her.....
Posted 9/19/06 8:28 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 7967 total posts
Name: sara
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
No...because I would be afraid of all the germs, all the old dears wanting to stick their hands on her, the loud noise, the commotion etc etc ...they are still new to the world at that stage and I personally dont think its the right enviroment for them.
I was at a wedding in July and a woman was there with her 5 week old and I thought she was nuts!
Posted 9/19/06 8:35 PM |
My love.

Member since 5/05 6247 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
i took my DD to a wedding when she was about 7 or 8 weeks. It wasn't bad at all. No one held her since she was in the stroller/carseat most of the time. She was an absolute pleasure. We sat away from the music and she didn't even cry - so there was no scene...and of course I ok'd it with the bride first. It was either take her - or not go to the wedding - so we went.
Posted 9/19/06 8:50 PM |
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
I do not think it is appropriate at all and I would not do it. I think the music is going to be way to loud for a baby that young and he will not be able to sleep and he needs his sleep. I would try to suggest something to her and bring some insight to the situtation.
Posted 9/19/06 9:06 PM |
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
I wouldn't. After having a 2.5 week old come down with coxsackie & need a spinal tap & to be hospitalized, there isn't a chance I'd take.
Then again I saw a tiny baby at Yankee stadium. When I asked the parents how old he was - he was only 2 weeks.
Posted 9/19/06 9:30 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
No. I would not.
Posted 9/19/06 9:43 PM |
Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05 4114 total posts
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
Posted 9/19/06 9:50 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 3014 total posts
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
I took Liam everywhere. I don't think that I would want to if I could because I would want to celebrate but as for the baby I'm sure he/she will be just fine. I have to say though, if it's the type of wedding where there will be more kids then it's not so weird but if there really aren't that's uncomfortable. But, everyone has to do what they feel most comfortable with.
Posted 9/20/06 9:52 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
Posted by prncssrachel
No. I would not.
Posted 9/20/06 10:04 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3372 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
No. The music is SOOO loud and there are just too many people. I would never risk it. Bring photos and let everyone tell you how beautiful the baby is from the photos. JMO
Posted 9/20/06 10:30 PM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
Posted 9/20/06 10:39 PM |
my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06 7396 total posts
Name: Kristi
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
no i wouldn't. the music is way too loud, to many people, too many germs!! plus how would you have a good time once the baby falls asleep?
Posted 9/21/06 7:29 AM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
Posted 9/21/06 7:34 AM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
I would. I took Andrew everywhere when he was little. We went to Kmart when he was 2 weeks old.
Posted 9/21/06 8:31 AM |
My boys

Member since 5/05 4380 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
Personally I wouldn't.
Posted 9/21/06 8:46 AM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Would you take a 5 week old baby to a wedding?
No, I personally would not.
Posted 9/21/06 9:10 AM |