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What time is breakfast?

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Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


What time is breakfast?

DH says DD should eat breakfast (cereal and fruit) when she wakes up (which is between 5-6 am). I say, that she should have a bottle at 5-6am and go back to sleep and then have breakfast at 7:30-8am when she wakes up again. DH says that this is throwing off HIS schedule Chat Icon I told him that he should shower/get dressed between the time she gets her 5am bottle and wakes up again at 7:30, but that never seems to work out.

I am trying to stay out of it, since he has to be home her all day, but I am also feeling guilty because I have to go to work and she cries through eating her cereal. I think it's too early to eat that much for her.

For those of you that bring your children to daycare before you go to you feed them this early? Does the daycare feed them breakfast? I am asking about daycare, because that is DH's argument...if she was in daycare, we would have to feed her before we drop her off, so there's no big deal. Opionions?

Posted 4/10/07 6:12 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: What time is breakfast?

I agree with you. Molly used to wake at 5-6 and I would give her a bottle and she would go back to bed. She now sleeps in until about 7 and she doesn't like to have a bottle until about 8 am. So I give her a bottle about 8ish and then cereal at about 9-9:30

Posted 4/10/07 6:54 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/07

311 total posts


Re: What time is breakfast?

I think that your idea sounds much better.

My sons are 2 and 3, and they wake up at 6:30am each day. Neither one of them is ready to eat anything before 8:00am. I give them juice, and breakfast is not until 8.

Posted 4/10/07 7:35 AM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: What time is breakfast?

I do something similar. They have a bottle at around 7, then go back to sleep while I get ready. Then breakfast is at 10 after they wake up from their nap.

Message edited 4/10/2007 8:02:28 AM.

Posted 4/10/07 8:02 AM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: What time is breakfast?

Thanks, how do I convince DH that this is his idea so he can be right Chat Icon

Posted 4/10/07 8:20 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: What time is breakfast?

I am with you on the schedule. WE feed Ryan around 5am when he first wakes up, he goes back to sleep and then daycare feeds him cereal/fruit at 8am. It works well bc he's already fed and back to sleep and we can get ready for work!

Posted 4/10/07 8:23 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: What time is breakfast?

Posted by luvsun27

Thanks, how do I convince DH that this is his idea so he can be right Chat Icon

LOL - not sure. But I can say it's way easier to feed a bottle at 5am and have her go back to sleep then to have her scream thru cereal at 5am.

Maybe he can comprimise and try it for a few days to see if it works out?

Posted 4/10/07 8:26 AM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: What time is breakfast?

Posted by LInative

Posted by luvsun27

Thanks, how do I convince DH that this is his idea so he can be right Chat Icon

LOL - not sure. But I can say it's way easier to feed a bottle at 5am and have her go back to sleep then to have her scream thru cereal at 5am.

Maybe he can comprimise and try it for a few days to see if it works out?

Oh, that's the thing...we have been doing it "my way" for months now...all of a sudden, he wants to change things. He thinks that if he feeds her cereal this early, she will realize that she needs to sleep later if she's not hungry this early. He doesn't realize a 7 month old can't make this rationale Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: I think he just wanted to sleep later than 5:30 am, and he thought if he made things worse, I would just get up and feed her the bottle Chat Icon

Message edited 4/10/2007 8:33:29 AM.

Posted 4/10/07 8:32 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

567 total posts


Re: What time is breakfast?

I nurse when ds gets up - around 6:30, then he goes to daycare and gets his cereal at 8:00 or so. my son is too hungry to sit and eat cereal at that time. also I believe that they are still getting all the nutrients from formula/breast milk, so I would rather him "fill up" on that first before giving solids. Hope that helps. I would also think your dd would be more likely to go back to sleep after a bottle (soothing) then cereal - maybe that will give your dh more motivation to give it to her!

Posted 4/10/07 8:34 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: What time is breakfast?

I think a common pattern is they eventually STOP waking for the 5am bottle and just sleep straight thru. (Please God let us eventually be one of those families) So cereal at 5am would actually be training her to wake up for the day at that time, instead of soothing her back to sleep w/the bottle. I say bottle all the way!

BTW do you do a diaper change at this time??

Posted 4/10/07 8:37 AM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: What time is breakfast?

Posted by LInative

I think a common pattern is they eventually STOP waking for the 5am bottle and just sleep straight thru. (Please God let us eventually be one of those families) So cereal at 5am would actually be training her to wake up for the day at that time, instead of soothing her back to sleep w/the bottle. I say bottle all the way!

BTW do you do a diaper change at this time??

Normally, yes, we change her diaper before the 5am bottle. And she will go back to sleep. I don't know why he decided to change things this morning. I secretly hope she is super cranky today, just to show him that I was right Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/10/07 8:39 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: What time is breakfast?

Posted by LInative

I think a common pattern is they eventually STOP waking for the 5am bottle and just sleep straight thru. (Please God let us eventually be one of those families) So cereal at 5am would actually be training her to wake up for the day at that time, instead of soothing her back to sleep w/the bottle. I say bottle all the way!

BTW do you do a diaper change at this time??

This is true and I agree. If you start feeding her breakfast at that time she is going to get the message that it is normal to start your day at 5am....which is just looney! Chat Icon

Posted 4/10/07 8:44 AM

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