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Whato to expect at first OB appointment?

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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

498 total posts


Whato to expect at first OB appointment?

My first appointment is this Thursday. I'll be 5w5d by then, what can I expect?? I'm kind of nervous since it's all so new and unknown. DH said he'll come with me Chat Icon What a guy!

Posted 11/14/05 11:55 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm two!

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4320 total posts


Re: Whato to expect at first OB appointment?

My first OB appointment was at 10 weeks (because I'd been going to an RE up until then).
He did a urine analysis, and a regular OB exam. I also got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time!

Posted 11/14/05 12:04 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Whato to expect at first OB appointment?

I just had mine on Friday. I was about 7.5 weeks.

He did urine analysis, took a bunch of vials of blood, and my regular OB checkup including a pap smear since I hadn't had one since before I got pregnant with Sarah. Don't be nervous, it's not bad at all.

You may want to prepare DH that you'll be up in the stirrups. Mine almost passed out when he came with me for the first time. Chat Icon

Posted 11/14/05 12:11 PM

My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Re: Whato to expect at first OB appointment?

Same as above, I was only 5 weeks at my first appointment, so don't be upset if it is too soon to see a heartbeat. You are closer to 6 weeks, so there is a better chance you will see one. Good luck!

Posted 11/14/05 12:19 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Whato to expect at first OB appointment?

With the first pg, i went to the dr same time 5w4d's, all we saw was the sac. The dr only did an ultrasound since we were in the ultrasound room since there isn't much to see that early.

They will prob send/do some bloodwork, a pap if you haven't had one recently, maybe an internal exam.

Dh has come with me to every appt so far, it's really nice to have him there and experience the same thing I am at the same time.

Posted 11/14/05 12:49 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Whato to expect at first OB appointment?

The doctor took my blood and urine and did an internal exam. Then he sat me down adn went over the do's and don'ts of pregnancy. He is very laid back and scheduled me for my next appointment which is when I had my sonogram.

Posted 11/14/05 1:48 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Whato to expect at first OB appointment?

my first appt was at 7 w 5 days and I had an internal sono done to date the PG and to see the heartbeat. We also got to hear it! You pee in a cup, talk to the dr a bit-ask questions. You might have lab work done, I had mine at the next appt.

Posted 11/14/05 3:06 PM

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