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When did you start to feel better emotionally?

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Love my girls

Member since 7/10

3580 total posts


When did you start to feel better emotionally?

When did you feel like your mood stabilized? I'm 12 weeks and don't remember feeling this way with DD1. I feel so irritable all the time and very emotional. I thought things would start to get a little better by now.

Posted 10/1/14 2:51 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My family is complete

Member since 1/12

2338 total posts


When did you start to feel better emotionally?

This week I'm feeling better....3 weeks post partum !!

Posted 10/1/14 7:58 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

1238 total posts


Re: When did you start to feel better emotionally?

I don't know but I'm having the same problem and it stinks. I am only 6-7 weeks and just feel totally down. Then I feel guilty about not feeling excited about the 2nd baby because I just feel off. I'm not sure if its just hormones or hormones combined with not feeling well + taking care of my toddler. Chat Icon To top it off now I'm getting a cold and just want to crawl under a rock. I also don't remember this at all with my DS

Posted 10/1/14 9:01 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


When did you start to feel better emotionally?

My mood has not stabilized. I'm a miserable ball of negativity, extremely irritable and cranky at 17 weeks lol. It's such a different pregnancy from last time lol

Posted 10/1/14 9:23 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

4571 total posts


Re: When did you start to feel better emotionally?

12 weeks for me, then started with the pregnancy brain and forgetfulness which led to frustration for a few weeks. This week (24 weeks) I am happy emotional lol I guess it's normal for the ups and downs. Allow yourself to cry and try and take walks when you feel overwhelmed.

Posted 10/1/14 9:51 PM

My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

3415 total posts

My only Sunshine

Re: When did you start to feel better emotionally?

I took me a very long time, like 7 months or so. Looking back, I probably has PPD, but didn't realize it at the time.

Posted 10/3/14 4:40 AM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

12970 total posts


Re: When did you start to feel better emotionally?

I'm 13 weeks now and starting to feel more like myself a little. once in awhile i want to rip DH's head off...but that may not be the pregnancy Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/14 10:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

3196 total posts


When did you start to feel better emotionally?

Maybe around 11-12 weeks...I found that pre-natal yoga really helps..For me, it's a few hours each week for myself to just relax, unwind, focus on being in the moment, and bond with LO...Plus it's a great way to stretch and maintain flexibility (which is mostly why I do it). I swear from working in an office all these years I have the back and neck of an old lady.....

Also try to simplify things if you can. Do less. Cut back on ANYTHING you can live without for a few weeks. I know it sounds like more yogi BS but it really does go along way to relieve stress, even stress that may not be apparent to you.

Message edited 10/3/2014 10:26:45 AM.

Posted 10/3/14 10:25 AM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

10818 total posts


Re: When did you start to feel better emotionally?

My first pregnancy I was a cranky, irritable, irrational monster - the entire time. This time - complete opposite. I never had any mood swings and in fact I'm more calm than my normal non-pregnant self. So bizzare.

I don't think there's any way to predict, and especially by comparing prior pregnancies. Regardless, I hope you feel better soon!

Posted 10/3/14 11:03 AM

Love my girls

Member since 7/10

3580 total posts


Re: When did you start to feel better emotionally?

Thanks ladies!

Posted 10/3/14 6:25 PM

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