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Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
When did you start using?
Well I'm almost a FTM, only a few more days and I have all this cool stuff but I'm not sure at what ages to us them.. so feel free to share when you did!
Water Gym?
Jeep Liberty Walker? (can't find photo
Message edited 5/21/2005 12:07:04 AM.
Posted 5/21/05 12:05 AM |
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Member since 5/05 2048 total posts
Name: Maxine
Re: When did you start using?
1) As soon as the baby was old enough to hold up his own head for a long period of time
2)swing - I think after a month. At first he was so light even on the lowest setting he would really swing!!
3)Water gym 2-3 months on. The first month all he did was eat, sleep, and poop.
4) Walker - 6 or 7 months. Didn't get to use it too long he was walking by himself at 11 months ( they get big so fast)
5)bouncy seat - almost right away. He LOVED that thing!! ( we had the same one) he loved the vibration and the bubbles & music. He didnt actually "bounce" in it until 3 or 4 months
Posted 5/21/05 1:41 AM |

Member since 5/05 1645 total posts
Re: When did you start using?
1)exersaucer - probably around 5 months or so - when they were at that stage where they want to be in a standing position all the time.
2)swing - right from the beginning, very helpful when dh and I wanted to eat dinner or wash dishes.
3)Water gym - good for tummy time so pretty early on, maybe 1 or 2 months
4) Walker - didn't use one
5)bouncy seat - right from the beginning, also helpful at dinner time.
Posted 5/21/05 7:23 AM |
I love my kids

Member since 5/05 2885 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: When did you start using?
1)exersaucer - around 5 months. When the baby is able to keep their head up for long periods
2)swing - right away, like within the first week. She loved her swing and would often fall asleep in it
3)Water gym - I didn't have this particular gym but we used her activity mat probably when she was about a month old
4) Walker - didn't use one
5)bouncy seat - also used it within the first week
Posted 5/21/05 8:30 AM |

Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: When did you start using?
Thanks alot Mom's!
Posted 5/21/05 10:10 AM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 4852 total posts
Re: When did you start using?
Posted by Kierasmom
1)exersaucer - around 5 months. When the baby is able to keep their head up for long periods
2)swing - right away, like within the first week. She loved her swing and would often fall asleep in it
3)Water gym - I didn't have this particular gym but we used her activity mat probably when she was about a month old
4) Walker - didn't use one
5)bouncy seat - also used it within the first week
I pretty much was on the same schedule
Posted 5/21/05 12:13 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05 528 total posts
Name: Tammy
Re: When did you start using?
1)exersaucer - 4.5 months
2)swing - 3-4 weeks old
3)Water gym -dont have one, but used the einstein gym mat around 4 weeks
4) Walker - didn't use one
5)bouncy seat - right from the beginning
Posted 5/21/05 11:00 PM |
life moves fast

Member since 5/05 4225 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: When did you start using?
1 - exersaucer - 3 1/2 months 2 - swing - immediately (she naps great in it, usually takes her morning nap in it) 3 - water gym - don't have one, but used the Baby Einstein mat around 1 month. 4 - walker - 3 1/2 months 5 - bouncy seat - 3-4 weeks (just as a suggestion, try one of the ocean wonder aquariums in the store, I don't like mine because it is soooo loud )
Message edited 5/21/2005 11:26:39 PM.
Posted 5/21/05 11:25 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: When did you start using?
Exersaucer? My baby is 3.5 months and haven't tried yet. Once his neck/head control gets better I will use it - hopefully soon.
Swing? A couple weeks old...but he didn't love it right away - took a couple months to really like it
Water Gym? Around 5 weeks
Jeep Liberty Walker? not sure what that is
Bouncer? right away - so within a couple weeks.
Posted 5/23/05 9:39 AM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: When did you start using?
1- I used when she was able to hld her head up and able to sit up on her own
2- I used right away she loved it ( I have the same swing)
3- I used the mat when she was about 2 months old I would put her on it she could build the stregnth in her neck to hold her head up my doctor told me to put her on her stomach for 10 to 15 minute time periods on her stomach a few times a day
4- I used the seat from day 1
Posted 5/23/05 12:08 PM |
3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05 6683 total posts
Re: When did you start using?
We used the bouncy seat from day one and the water gym (I have that one) since he was about 2 weeks old. The nurse told us it helps build their strength to lie flat on their backs. Haven't used any of the other stuff yet because I didn't have it in Ireland. Now that we are going home I am going to start using my swing right away. The exersaucer I will wait until he can hold up his head and sit up on his own.
Posted 5/25/05 4:00 AM |