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When do they sleep for longer stretches?

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


When do they sleep for longer stretches?

right now Alyson will do as little as 1 1/2 hrs to 4 hours depending on where she sleeps.

When is the possibility of sleeping through the night a reality???

Posted 1/18/06 7:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: When do they sleep for longer stretches?

For us it started to get better around 6 weeks. I think we would do a 4-5 hours stretch at night. Then we went through a 6 hour phase and now we're at about an 8 hour phase. She's starting to wake up some nights like she's having bad dreams, not sure what that's all about but I hope it passes.
Hang in there I sware it will get easier.

Posted 1/18/06 7:56 PM

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Re: When do they sleep for longer stretches?

Message edited 12/16/2011 5:59:44 PM.

Posted 1/18/06 8:16 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: When do they sleep for longer stretches?

At 5 weeks Katherine was sleeping for about 5- 6 hours at night; by 8 weeks it was about 8 hours. Now she's four months and sleeps 12 hours a night. She never has been a big daytime napper though. As a newborn she only slept like 20-30 min. per nap; now it's 1 hour on average.

Posted 1/18/06 8:16 PM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: When do they sleep for longer stretches?

It gets better. Alex started doing 6 hour streches by 8 weeks and by 12 weeks we were up to 8. By 5 months he was sleeping between 10 -12 hours.

Posted 1/18/06 8:23 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: When do they sleep for longer stretches?

Define sleeping through the night....

At six weeks my DD would sleep a 6 hour stretch, which is the technical definition of sleeping through the night. Of course since I didn't fall right asleep when she did, it didn't feel like it!

At about 5 months she started sleeping an 8 hour stretch, but it started at 6:30 pm, so I was still waking up in the middle of the night to feed her.

We are now at 9.5 months, and she has never slept through the night in a way that allowed me to sleep uninterupted. I've just dropped her night feeding this week, so here is hoping that by 10 months she'll stop waking up!

Posted 1/18/06 8:27 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: When do they sleep for longer stretches?

Ryan was doing 4-5 stretch @ about 6 weeks, by 3 months we were doing 10-12hrs. (it slowly increased) but unfortunately lately thats not everynight... NO MATTER WHAT I always get 8 hrs out of him...

Posted 1/18/06 10:15 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: When do they sleep for longer stretches?

WE're at 4-6 hour strecthces at night & they are 3 months old

Posted 1/18/06 10:36 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Re: When do they sleep for longer stretches?

Metabolically she won't be ready until she's at least 11lbs.

With us, we were getting 5-6 hr stretches at around 6 - 7 weeks.

Posted 1/19/06 9:30 AM

my princess

Member since 10/05

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Re: When do they sleep for longer stretches?

at almost 5 months the longest stretch is 5 hors but usually its 4.

Posted 1/19/06 11:02 AM


Member since 5/05

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Tracey - brideinapril

Re: When do they sleep for longer stretches?

Posted by IrishTracy

WE're at 4-6 hour strecthces at night & they are 3 months old

Mine are the same! Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/06 12:26 PM

Making big changes

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Re: When do they sleep for longer stretches?

We got very lucky and Christopher started sleeping through the night at just 4 weeks.

Posted 1/19/06 12:28 PM

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